Extension SDK 10.1.2

Interface Layout

All Superinterfaces:
Data, Dirtyable, Displayable, Document, Element, LazyLoadable, Locatable, PropertyAccess, Subject
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Layout
extends Document, PropertyAccess

Layout interface. Layouts remember the position of views. When a layout is activated, the state of the remembered views is recovered from the information saved in the layout.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String LAYOUT_ACTIVE_PROPERTY
static java.lang.String LAYOUT_NAME_PROPERTY
Fields inherited from interface oracle.ide.addin.Subject
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getName()
          Get this layout name.
 IdeLayout getOwner()
          Get the IdeLayout that owns this layout.
 boolean isActive()
          Returns true if this layout is currently active.
 void setActive(boolean active)
          Mark this layout as the currently active layout.
 void setInherited(Layout layout)
          Set a layout from which this layout inherits settings.
 void setOwner(IdeLayout owner)
          Set the owner of this layout.
Methods inherited from interface oracle.ide.model.Document
close, getInputStream, getTimestamp, isNew, isReadOnly, open, save
Methods inherited from interface oracle.ide.model.Locatable
getURL, setURL
Methods inherited from interface oracle.ide.model.Element
getAttributes, getChildren, mayHaveChildren
Methods inherited from interface oracle.ide.model.Data
Methods inherited from interface oracle.ide.model.Displayable
getIcon, getLongLabel, getShortLabel, getToolTipText, toString
Methods inherited from interface oracle.ide.addin.Subject
attach, detach, notifyObservers
Methods inherited from interface oracle.ide.model.Dirtyable
isDirty, markDirty
Methods inherited from interface oracle.ide.model.LazyLoadable
Methods inherited from interface oracle.ide.util.PropertyAccess
getProperty, removeProperty, setProperty

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String LAYOUT_NAME_PROPERTY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String LAYOUT_ACTIVE_PROPERTY
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public boolean isActive()
Returns true if this layout is currently active.


public void setActive(boolean active)
Mark this layout as the currently active layout.


public java.lang.String getName()
Get this layout name.


public IdeLayout getOwner()
Get the IdeLayout that owns this layout.


public void setOwner(IdeLayout owner)
Set the owner of this layout.


public void setInherited(Layout layout)
Set a layout from which this layout inherits settings.

Extension SDK


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