- [jsr338-experts] CriteriaUpdate/CriteriaDelete questions
- [jsr338-experts] Inheritance of Extended Persistence Context
- [jsr338-experts] question regarding EntityManager.close()
- [jsr338-experts] question regarding JPA-JTA interaction (again)
- [jsr338-experts] StoredProcedureQuery
- [jsr338-experts] updated spec draft, etc.
- BNF question: how to parse the example containing KEY, VALUE (and LIKE)
- CriteriaUpdate/CriteriaDelete questions
- Inheritance of Extended Persistence Context
- JPQL joins and ON keyword
- Nationalized character data
- question regarding EntityManager.close()
- question regarding JPA-JTA interaction (again)
- StoredProcedureQuery
- updated spec draft, etc.
- Last message date: Fri Jun 15 07:09:16 2012
- Archived on: Mon Sep 18 16:47:35 2017 PDT