- _at_Context UriInfo not injected with 0.6-ea
- Adding listeners to Input Streams with Jersey
- Authentication handling with annotations / proxying sub-resources
- Basic User authentication using SecurityContext
- Before I filing an issue, I would like to check with you
- Comment: Integrating Jersey and Spring: Take 2]
- Deploy time error
- error handling
- Exception Handling
- Generating urls and controlling rendering/serialization
- GET object parameter
- GET parameters as List or Map?
- getting multiple QueryParameters as List
- Guice integration in 0.6
- Have anyone tried to call method javax.ws.rs.core.Cookie.parse(cookie_toParse)?
- help on query string
- How to do partial updates or PATCH with Jersey
- How to obtain HttpServletRequest (or get RemoteAddress)
- How to retrieve list of resources - use MatrixParams?
- Inconsistent behavior with POST
- Injectable fields not set on target object for proxied resource (using cglib)
- Injecting spring beans annotation based
- Intergrating Jetty and Jersey
- Jersey 0.6 released
- Jersey and Jersey-Unit Hudson jobs now accessible
- Jersey extensions
- Jersey HelloWorld sample hangs on Windows
- Jersey, Spring and UT
- Location for a new EntityProvider
- Multiple values for com.sun.ws.rest.config.property.resourceConfigClass
- On vacation next week...
- Possible Regressions in Jersey 0.6ea ?
- security and auditing based on client SSL certificates
- Security Interceptors
- small questions about configuration, Reader, external executable
- Summary/proposal for spring integration
- Sun's lightweight built in HttpServer hangs on windows
- The ResourceConfig instance does not contain any root resource classes.
- Tomcat: response contains markup although not set by resource
- Transform list of xml elements into JSONArray
- Using _at_QueryParam
- Using _at_QueryParam, using UriBuilder
- WebBeans and Jersey
- What does it take to recognize a hierarchy formatted URI?