Re: Injectable fields not set on target object for proxied resource (using cglib)

From: Martin Grotzke <>
Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2008 05:41:50 +0100

Hi Paul,

I would like to help with spring integration as far as I can (I know
very little about jersey, and a little bit more about spring). And I
must say that my time until the beginning of april is also fairly
limited. But if I can help I would like to do so.

What do you have in mind concerning spring integration?


On Fri, 2008-03-07 at 17:55 +0100, Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Duncan Eley wrote:
> > The above example uses the SPI described here:
> >
> > This demonstrates how to get at the cglib proxied object using
> > Spring. However, I'm aware that the Jersey SPI has changed quite a
> > bit since I did this.
> Yes, you should be able to do the same AOP trick with the component
> provider [1].
> > It would be really nice, if at some point, Jersey had an optional
> > library for users wanting to integrate with Spring.
> >
> Very much agree. I would like to consider something like that for 0.7
> (see my blog on the 0.6 release), my concern is Marc, Jakub and I are a
> little maxed out so i was wondering if anyone would like to volunteer to
> contribute Spring & Guice stuff to the Jersey distribution ?
> Paul.
> [1]