Re: Authentication handling with annotations / proxying sub-resources

From: Marc Hadley <Marc.Hadley_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2008 16:21:26 -0500

Not exactly what you describe but perhaps the following will help:

In the future we'll support the JSR 250 annotations like @RolesAllowed
on resource classes but for now use of SecurityContext and web.xml
constraints will work.


On Mar 6, 2008, at 12:11 PM, Martin Grotzke wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to add some authentication handling to our api and think about
> possible solutions.
> I would like to do this with annotations, e.g. some @Security
> annotation, that might have attributes like "forceSSL",
> "requireAppPermissions", "authMode" etc.
> Then all resources would have to be proxied, so that the security
> requirements can be checked/handled. And proxying resources of course
> also means proxying subresources.
> I see the following possible solutions for doing this:
> 1) use the IoC container to obtain some proxied instance; for
> subresources, population of properties (like the actual user or
> userId) would be done by the resource afterwards
> 2) use some custom (application specific) factory that knows about
> resources and is given all required properties for creation of some
> resource, and that then add proxying "manually"...
> 3) use the jersey ComponentProvider as described in Pauls posting
> ([1]),
> that can provide also integration of some IoC container.
> I most like door 3), as it provides the best integration.
> 1) does not allow constuctor-based injection or bean validation (like
> springs afterPropertiesSet). 2) is also somehow too much homegrow...
> What do you think? Would it be an option to provide like
> solution
> 3), could I help somehow to achieve this?
> Thanx && cheers,
> Martin
> [1]

Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.