- [Jersey] Build failed in Hudson: Jersey-trunk #1
- [Jersey] element name wrapper for List<Element> returned by Jersey method.
- [Jersey] Jersey security annotations and tomcat container.
- [Jersey] JSONP wrapper for Jackson (JSONPObject.java)
- [Jersey] list operator in URI templates
- [Jersey] OSGi Support
- [Jersey] OT: Project's using Jersey
- Build failed in Hudson: Jersey-trunk #1
- Build failed in Hudson: Jersey-trunk #19
- Build failed in Hudson: Jersey-trunk #2
- Build failed in Hudson: Jersey-trunk #20
- Build failed in Hudson: Jersey-trunk #21
- Build failed in Hudson: Jersey-trunk #22
- Build failed in Hudson: Jersey-trunk #23
- Build failed in Hudson: Jersey-trunk #63
- Build failed in Hudson: Jersey-trunk #69
- element name wrapper for List<Element> returned by Jersey method.
- Hudson build is back to normal: Jersey-trunk #24
- Hudson build is back to normal: Jersey-trunk #64
- Hudson build is back to normal: Jersey-trunk #70
- Jersey security annotations and tomcat container.
- JSONP wrapper for Jackson (JSONPObject.java)
- list operator in URI templates
- OT: Project's using Jersey