Agreed. and with the subclass route, using a flag would almost be
redundant. e.g. that method could simply be:
public String getAuthType() {
if (request == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
// get OSGi security type out of the HTTP header
There'd be very little need to explicitly track that you were in an OSGi
context since your subclass would indicate that implicitly.
Oleksiy Stashok wrote:
> Hi Richard,
>> I've finally decided on how I'm going to implement the OSGi
>> HttpService and I have a few questions:
>> To begin with I going to have to implement a GrizzlyAdapter (which I
>> knew I was going to have to do) but I want to reuse as much of the
>> existing code as I can. In particular the current Servlet invocation
>> code. But to make that work I need to either:
>> 1) Make some minor mods to the current implementation because I have
>> to do some things a little different. Not very many but still a
>> modification. These mods would be very minor basiclly create a new
>> constructor that would take a flag indicating that the implementation
>> is running as a OSGi implementation then use that flag in the methods
>> that need to change for execution in the OSGi environment. For
>> instance:
>> // NOTE would have to also implement a default constructor so the
>> existing code would not break.
>> public HttpServletRequestImpl(boolean osgiFlag) {
>> this.osgiFlag = osgiFlag;
>> }
>> And used like so:
>> public String getAuthType() {
>> if (request == null) {
>> throw new IllegalStateException(
>> sm.getString("requestFacade.nullRequest"));
>> }
>> if(osgiFlag) {
>> // get OSGi security type out of the HTTP header
>> } else {
>> return request.getAuthType();
>> }
>> }
>> Or
>> 2) Extend the current implementations and override the methods I need
>> to change.
>> Personally I would prefer option one mostly because it keeps all the
>> code in one place.
> Hmm, IMHO #2 is better solution. Cause core code should stay as
> general as possible. But it's just my vision, what others think?
> Thanks.
> WBR,
> Alexey.
>> I have a bunch of other questions but I want to get them clear in my
>> head first before asking them.
>> Thanks
>> Richard
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