Hi Richard,
> I've finally decided on how I'm going to implement the OSGi
> HttpService and I have a few questions:
> To begin with I going to have to implement a GrizzlyAdapter (which I
> knew I was going to have to do) but I want to reuse as much of the
> existing code as I can. In particular the current Servlet invocation
> code. But to make that work I need to either:
> 1) Make some minor mods to the current implementation because I have
> to do some things a little different. Not very many but still a
> modification. These mods would be very minor basiclly create a new
> constructor that would take a flag indicating that the implementation
> is running as a OSGi implementation then use that flag in the methods
> that need to change for execution in the OSGi environment. For
> instance:
> // NOTE would have to also implement a default constructor so the
> existing code would not break.
> public HttpServletRequestImpl(boolean osgiFlag) {
> this.osgiFlag = osgiFlag;
> }
> And used like so:
> public String getAuthType() {
> if (request == null) {
> throw new IllegalStateException(
> sm.getString("requestFacade.nullRequest"));
> }
> if(osgiFlag) {
> // get OSGi security type out of the HTTP header
> } else {
> return request.getAuthType();
> }
> }
> Or
> 2) Extend the current implementations and override the methods I need
> to change.
> Personally I would prefer option one mostly because it keeps all the
> code in one place.
Hmm, IMHO #2 is better solution. Cause core code should stay as
general as possible. But it's just my vision, what others think?
> I have a bunch of other questions but I want to get them clear in my
> head first before asking them.
> Thanks
> Richard
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