Re: Creating a "router" filter

From: Oleksiy Stashok <Oleksiy.Stashok_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 14:34:20 +0100

Hi Ronnie,

> I was wondering if your filters are similar to
> where I could create a "Router Filter" where I could direct the
> chain on where I need it to go?

I think we can not compare Grizzly and Openadaptor. Project Grizzly is
NIO framework, which doesn't have much to do with J2EE.
Using Grizzly you can implement your own protocol, which can work on
top of TCP, UDP or some custom transport. Grizzly has very good
support for HTTP related technologies, it can work as lightweight Web
server, support Comet etc.
Openadaptor, in its turn, implements adapters for different J2EE
services like JMS, JDBC etc.

> Can I basically do everything in Grizzly 2.0 that I could do with
> openadaptor?
No. We can not compare these 2 projects.

> If you can make a router from Grizzly 2.0, do you have an example or
> could you make a simple example for us?
Not sure what you mean by Router here. If it's some Router for J2EE
technologies like HTTP <-> JMS - then, IMHO, it's better to use some
special solution as openadaptor is.
If by Router you meant something different - please provide more
details, what exactly it should be.


> Thanks,
> Ronnie