GlassFish Prelude, Preview, download _at_ sun / glassfish?!?

From: <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 04:53:18 PDT


I am starting to get involved into this community and GlassFish but somehow it is pretty confusing.

As I understand there is the fullblown SDK profile and thinner web profile. Correct?

What is the difference between Prelude (older?) and Preview (newer) version? There are also several download pages:

I am trying to work through the JEE6 tutorial. So I tried the installation "GlassFish and Java EE 6 SDK Previews" from the Sun site. But there I was facing two problems:

1. Couldn't even create the tables via ant as stated here:

2. After some workaround (by removing an SQL statement) I got a problem when running the bookstore example as stated here:

Then I tried the prelude (and uninstalled the previews) version with the eclipse tools bundle. Starting the update server I can't find:

- Ant add-on
- JEE 6 Tutorial update

Okay... now I will give the promoted b55 installation a shot but somehow I enthusiasm about GlassFish is declining :-(.

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