> "Welcome to GlassFish v3 Preview, a highly productive platform for
> building enterprise applications with dynamic languages and early
> access to Java EE 6 technologies. It is an early access, preview
> release of Java EE 6 technologies with community-only support. "
Typically people are scared by lots of text and only search for the download button. Maybe it would be good if we reduce the amount of text on the page and replace it by a really fat, agressively coloured and highly visible warning like "This is an unfinished product which is still under heavy construction. It is likely to fail. Do not use it in production use. There is no commercial support.". And alle the other information found behind explicit links. I think that is foolproof.
Remember, if you once think you met the biggest idiot of the world, that every other morning an even bigger idiot will get up.