From: <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 12:29:45 PDT

Hi Markus,

Sun branding, like many corporate brandings, can be confusing. In this case I am not sure how we can improve. The GFv3 page:

starts with:

"Welcome to GlassFish v3 Preview, a highly productive platform for building enterprise applications with dynamic languages and early access to Java EE 6 technologies. It is an early access, preview release of Java EE 6 technologies with community-only support. "

and ends with:

"How do I get help with GlassFish v3 Preview?

The community edition of GlassFish Server v3 Preview is supported by the community. Commercial support is not available. Contact the GlassFish user mailing list or the GlassFish Forum with any issues, comments, or questions. Also, see the GlassFish Community wiki documentation. The GlassFish Community is standing by to help."

The Sun GF pages:

seem to demonstrate a difference between GFv2:

"Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1 is a high-performance, enterprise-ready Java EE 5 server with support for clustering and in-memory based high availability. It is free for development, deployment and re-distribution. Sun offers highly competitive support subscription pricing for lower deployment costs. "

and GFv3:

"An early access release of GlassFish v3, featuring the enhanced productivity of Java EE 6 and the Java EE 6 Web Profile. Additional enhancements include a microkernel architecture based on OSGi for improved startup time and reduced resource utilization, and fine-grained monitoring and DTrace probes for improved observability. Developers should consider the Java EE 6 SDK Preview."

The GFv3 release notes also continually mention targeting developers.

The Sun Java EE pages:

also delineate between the "Latest Release" (GFv2) and "Next Release (Preview)".

Standard and Premium Subscriptions do include support for GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude (when downloaded as the Sun branded product vs the GF community release), but I think we've done a reasonable job demonstrating that this is targeted more for developers to begin using JEE6 features than for Enterprise production environments. There are use cases for deploying prelude in production, but the caveats of JEE6 not being finalized and this being a preview release seem to be in place. The prevailing Sun philosophy has been to get early access releases to developers for years (they used to be referred to, in appserver world, as the "Platform Edition"), and this is another instance of that.

Now, this may be more apparent to me simply because I've waded through this many times, and it is quite possible that I

1.) have blinders on and/or
2.) just know where to look to find the above links.

Should we be altering the:

page further? Are links leading users down the wrong path? Can you specify pain/confusion points?

[Message sent by forum member 'cdonaldson' (cdonaldson)]