From: Markus Karg <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 14:44:54 +0200



as I said, I dispraise his wording. But I take his concerns serious, because Sun actually is selling v3 support already and for newcomers it looks like it is a finished product. There should be a big fat warning at the download site that v3 is only a preview. BTW, I do not agree that anybody shall go away and use JBoss, because actually is what is happening at the moment, and what is weakening the community. Instead, we (the community) must work hard to convince those unsatisfied people that GlassFish is great, and we must convince Sun/Oracle to invest into the product so it actually becomes that great product that it is already in our minds.





From: Mark Mielke []
Sent: Mittwoch, 22. Juli 2009 14:33
Cc: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart


I'd agree with you except that the foul mouthed idiot was using v3, which is not a released product. If he was complaining about v2.1, then he'd have more reasonable grounds to complain. There was no legitimate reason for him to use his language or aggression. He sounds like a 12 year old child and my first inclination was to completely ignore him.

We know Sun is having some problems - you've expressed legitimate reasons to be unhappy with their progress. I think our last discussion on this had the positive effect of getting Sun's attention. If you or I think things need to be improved - I don't think justifying the complaints of a foul mouthed idiot is a position we should hold. We should be constructive not destructive. He is obviously destructive, and I hope he disappears back where he came from. If he hates glassfish so much - he should just go away and use JBoss. Ranting and spamming with foul language is unacceptable in any community.


On 07/22/2009 02:53 AM, Markus Karg wrote:

while I absolutely dispraise the wording of this user, I must tell you that this case once more proofs that the current bug handling policy (not fixing bugs reported by the community in favour of doing things asked for by paying users; not fixing P1 bugs for months; not publishing bug fixed releases more often and separate from feature releases; etc.) is just not working in the open source world, and in the end leads to a deep scratches in GlassFish's image (for both, the open and the commercial one). One more company that will not use GlassFish. One more company that will not recommend GlassFish to others. One more company that will never buy a support contract. One more company that most likely will never look at Sun's products (including hardware) anymore in near future. Your policy has negative effects. Please change it. Just as we discussed last week, and the week before... If Sun needs more money to fix more bugs or publish bug fixed releases more open, then provide "pe
r incident cases" and "support subsciprions" for higher prices. You know that companies are willing to pay for real help, just like mine wants to, and you know the reasons why we have not yet signed a contract. Your move next.
If I were the community leader, my policy would be to fix any bug first before adding any new functionality. But I am not, so the community is waiting for Sun to act now. Please act.
To gniontas: I really understand your aggression and what you want to express, but I bet if you would have used a less aggressive wording, more people would have been interested in helping you. "Fuck you all" is not the kind of motivation that open source volunteers like to hear. I wonder if you really thout that you actually get any help using the F word in a request for help.

        -----Original Message-----
        From: []
        Sent: Mittwoch, 22. Juli 2009 04:59
        Subject: GLASSFISH IS LAME
        See here why!
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Mark Mielke <> <>