From: Mark Mielke <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 13:47:04 -0400

On 07/22/2009 08:44 AM, Markus Karg wrote:
> Mark,
> as I said, I dispraise his wording. But I take his concerns serious,
> because Sun actually is selling v3 support already and for newcomers
> it looks like it is a finished product. There should be a big fat
> warning at the download site that v3 is only a preview. BTW, I do not
> agree that anybody shall go away and use JBoss, because actually is
> what is happening at the moment, and what is weakening the community.
> Instead, we (the community) must work hard to convince those
> unsatisfied people that GlassFish is great, and we must convince
> Sun/Oracle to invest into the product so it actually becomes that
> great product that it is already in our minds.

I'd rather have thoughtful, intelligent, contributing members in any
community I am part of.

The community is better off without people the like of the original
poster. His childish contribution causes more damage than good, no
matter how forgiving, sympathetic and considerate you are to true
underlying problems. If he has a legitimate problem, he can present it
as a professional. As it is, I feel no desire to aid him or justify him.

I take your concerns serious, and if I could help you, I would be right
on it.


Mark Mielke<>