From: Kristian Rink <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 13:59:40 +0200

Markus Karg schrieb:
> While I still am not a big friend of the agressive style of conversion
> you apply, I must confess that I fear that you are right. ;-( This is
> what I try to change, but it is hard as Oracle/Sun certainly do not do
> this project for fun, but for money.

Well... I guess most of these companies involved in open source projects do
right this "for money", be that directly or indirectly. One thing which is
different about the Sun open source projects, here, in my opinion is that,
ultimately, the source code of these projects is open and available but at
the end it seems to be nothing more than "open source Sun repositories" - no
real developer community outside Sun (feel free to correct me if I'm all
wrong on that), no real community in terms of making decisions regarding
project development and management, and so forth. This, ultimately, makes
people suspicious as a lot of them (including us, actually) seem / tend to
rely upon open source software also for the reason of not being fully
dependent upon one special vendor providing this software (a developer
friend of mine just recently had to experience this as Oracle decided to
discontinue his beloved OAS in favor of WebLogic). So even being "open
source", Glassfish won't eventually help preventing such a scenario. :(
