GlassFish V3 planning - What do *you* want in GlassFish V3?

From: John Clingan <John.Clingan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 12:13:17 -0700

If you have ideas of features or enhancements that you want in
GlassFish V3, read on!

GlassFish V1 was all about developer productivity and Java EE 5.
GlassFish V2 adds enterprise features such as clustering and
centralized administration. Now that GlassFish V2 has been released,
it is time to begin planning for GlassFish V3. Before doing so, there
needs to be a clear direction of where we are headed. We have outlined
the high level themes for GlassFish V3 here (feel free to provide
feedback on the themes):

We would like to drill down a step further and begin to define
GlassFish V3 with community involvement. That means you! Is there a
feature or enhancement that you would like to see in GlassFish V3?
Perhaps to make it easier to use or more relevant for your work
Please feel free to participate! I'd like to begin the discussion on
this alias. Feel free to contact me directly as well at John dot
Clingan at Sun dot COM. Depending on the level of interest, we can
also set up a conference call and discuss in real time.

Here are some sample questions that may stimulate some ideas:

- A feature that would make software development significantly easier
- A feature that differentiates GlassFish V3 from other application
- A feature that is available with application server X, and would
really benefit users if it were also in GlassFish V3
- GlassFish would be easier to use if ...
- If GlassFish had this feature I could deploy it to a broader
production environment

John Clingan
GlassFish / Sun Application Server Group Product Manger

John dot Clingan at Sun dot COM