I test the server a lot using asadmin start-domain --verbose which puts
the log output right in front of me.
I used to be able to use Control-C to stop the server, and the server
would actually stop. Lately (since an update yesterday I think??) ^C
does not cleanly stop the server. That shell just remains hung and the
JVM continues to run.
I have also noticed that now if I use asadmin stop-domain from another
shell then the following message appears
Aug 1, 2008 12:39:57 PM HK2Main$HK2ServiceTrackerCustomizer removingService
INFO: removing service =
org.glassfish.web.DirContextURLStreamHandlerService_at_4c3f42, contract =
and I do not remember seeing this message before.
I am not sure if these are related.
Is anyone else seeing similar behavior? I'm on a Mac by the way.
- Tim