Oleksiy Stashok wrote:
> Hi,
> in order to optimize the async read/write queue implementation I had to
> make several changes to API.
> 1) all async queue read/write methods return Future (returned void before).
> Think it makes sense for async. operations and doesn't break any
> existing code. So now it is possible to use returned Future object to
> check whether operation was completed or not. And if there was an
> exception.
+1 Does it also means that doing Future.get(10,TimeUnits.SECONDS) will
> 2) Introduce ByteBufferCloner interface.
> This one may brake existing code :(
> Recently we may pass boolean "isCloneByteBuffer" value. This parameter
> meant, that if async writer is not able to write ByteBuffer directly to
> the channel and is planning to add it to the queue - then, if
> isCloneByteBuffer is true, we create a clone for original ByteBuffer and
> add cloned buffer to the async queue instead of original one. If
> isCloneByteBuffer is false - then original byte buffer was being added
> to the queue.
> The main drawback of this solution is that we can not implement our
> custom cloner code to reuse ByteBuffer pools.
> On other hand I know implementations, which didn't use the
> isCloneByteBuffer parameter, but created clones itself. But this is also
> bad, because there is always a chance (and for normal loading this
> chance is very big), that ByteBuffer will be successfully written on the
> socket directly without adding to a queue, so all cloning process
> becomes redundant!
> So now, instead of passing boolean isCloneByteBuffer parameter - we pass
> ByteBufferCloner parameter.
> ByteBufferCloner interface looks following:
> /**
> * Cloner, which will be called by {_at_link AsyncQueueWriter}, when
> ByteBuffer
> * could not be written directly, and will be added to the queue.
> * Cloner may create a clone of original ByteBuffer and return it to the
> * {_at_link AsyncQueueWriter} instead of original one.
> * Using ByteBufferCloner, developer has a chance to clone a ByteBuffer
> only in
> * case, when it is really required.
> *
> * @author Alexey Stashok
> */
> public interface ByteBufferCloner {
> public ByteBuffer clone(ByteBuffer originalByteBuffer);
> }
> The ByteBufferCloner will be called by AsyncWriteQueue only in case, if
> original ByteBuffer could not be completely written on channel directly,
> and will be added to a queue. So here, in ByteBufferCloner, developer
> could add cloning logic and will be sure that cloning will not be
> redundant.
> What do you think?
Make sense. Will you deprecate the previous behavior, throw an
IllegalStateException or log an issue so we can refer to that when dounf
the release? I vote for an issue.
-- Jeanfrancois
> Will appreciate any feedback.
> Thanks.
> WBR,
> Alexey.
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