[Heads up] Async read/write queue API changes

From: Oleksiy Stashok <Oleksiy.Stashok_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 18:03:07 +0100


in order to optimize the async read/write queue implementation I had
to make several changes to API.

1) all async queue read/write methods return Future (returned void

Think it makes sense for async. operations and doesn't break any
existing code. So now it is possible to use returned Future object to
check whether operation was completed or not. And if there was an

2) Introduce ByteBufferCloner interface.

This one may brake existing code :(
Recently we may pass boolean "isCloneByteBuffer" value. This parameter
meant, that if async writer is not able to write ByteBuffer directly
to the channel and is planning to add it to the queue - then, if
isCloneByteBuffer is true, we create a clone for original ByteBuffer
and add cloned buffer to the async queue instead of original one. If
isCloneByteBuffer is false - then original byte buffer was being added
to the queue.
The main drawback of this solution is that we can not implement our
custom cloner code to reuse ByteBuffer pools.
On other hand I know implementations, which didn't use the
isCloneByteBuffer parameter, but created clones itself. But this is
also bad, because there is always a chance (and for normal loading
this chance is very big), that ByteBuffer will be successfully written
on the socket directly without adding to a queue, so all cloning
process becomes redundant!

So now, instead of passing boolean isCloneByteBuffer parameter - we
pass ByteBufferCloner parameter.
ByteBufferCloner interface looks following:

  * Cloner, which will be called by {_at_link AsyncQueueWriter}, when
  * could not be written directly, and will be added to the queue.
  * Cloner may create a clone of original ByteBuffer and return it to
  * {_at_link AsyncQueueWriter} instead of original one.
  * Using ByteBufferCloner, developer has a chance to clone a
ByteBuffer only in
  * case, when it is really required.
  * @author Alexey Stashok
public interface ByteBufferCloner {
     public ByteBuffer clone(ByteBuffer originalByteBuffer);

The ByteBufferCloner will be called by AsyncWriteQueue only in case,
if original ByteBuffer could not be completely written on channel
directly, and will be added to a queue. So here, in ByteBufferCloner,
developer could add cloning logic and will be sure that cloning will
not be redundant.

What do you think?
Will appreciate any feedback.

