[gf-users] Websocket deployed to a cluster

From: Brady Vidovic <>
Date: Tue, 13 May 2014 00:20:29 +0000

I'm using glassfish4. I've written a very simple web-application that has a WebSocket @ServerEndpoint enabled. It works great in development (Glassfish4 & Netbeans 8) and also works when deployed to a standalone Glassfish4 instance on my test server.
However, when deployed to my Glassfish4 cluster, I always get this error:
javax.websocket.DeploymentException: Found Equivalent paths. Added path: '/test-simplewebsocket/ws' is equivalent with '/test-simplewebsocket/ws'

I've tried un-deploying and re-deploying and changing the context path and webservice name, but the same "Found Equivalent paths" error always occurs when deployed to the cluster. Any ideas or insight would be greatly appreciated. The cluster has numerous other non-websocket web applications deployed to it which all work as expected.
