[gf-users] Re: ( Interrupting idle thread on a non-idle thread

From: Pawel Veselov <>
Date: Tue, 13 May 2014 13:01:08 -0700

Hi Noah.

I wonder if there is a GF-specific API method that a thread may call to
extend the timeout if it knows it's gonna run longer than normal.
It's more problematic on some of my servlets that constantly emit data as
they run, as they really get interrupted before the work is done. Also, any
call that invokes an "interruptible" operation (e.g. Object.wait()), and
doesn't ignore, or re-try after getting InterruptedException will most
likely fail the request.

At the same time, I do see validity in having the server trying to cancel
threads that may legitimately run astray, and would hate to disable the
timeout all together...

Thank you,

On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 8:02 PM, Noah White <> wrote:

> The threads are considered IDLE and that's why you are running into this.
> The IDLE timeout (despite its name) has no concern if there is actually
> activity being done by the thread. It only looks at the amount if time it's
> been assigned from the pool.
> IMO it's at best poor verbiage to call it and IDLE timeout value. They
> should either change the verbiage or implement functionality so that times
> out on the lack of actual thread activity.
> A while back I filed an issue in the GF jira about this - feel free to
> throw a vote on it.
> -Noah
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On May 8, 2014, at 8:17 PM, Pawel Veselov <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi.
> >
> > I'm being hit with the flood of "Interrupting idle thread" messages in
> my GF logs, for threads that aren't idle, but are just taking long (hours)
> time to execute.
> >
> > It's normal for these particular requests to take that long time. The
> thread pool idle clean-up timeout is 900sec, and I assume the interruption
> starts after that time. It's reflected in the responses, when trying with
> curl, for example, it would wait for all the time that the thread will take
> to execute the job, but the job is completed, the response fails; that.
> Because the HTTP request body is partially written by that time (before the
> job's started), curl just says "curl: (18) transfer closed with outstanding
> read data remaining". This only happens when response time exceeds 15
> minutes (900sec). So, that pending interrupt actually cancels the request,
> once GF classes can get their hands on the thread.
> >
> > Shouldn't this thread be considered "in use", and shouldn't be
> interrupted?
