[gf-users] Re: Websocket deployed to a cluster

From: Pavel Bucek <>
Date: Wed, 14 May 2014 17:33:15 +0200

Hi Brady,

can you please share more details? Minimal reproducible testcase with
the cluster setup instructions would be best, but I'll take whatever you
can provide.


On 13/05/14 02:20, Brady Vidovic wrote:
> I'm using glassfish4. I've written a very simple web-application that
> has a WebSocket @ServerEndpoint enabled. It works great in development
> (Glassfish4 & Netbeans 8) and also works when deployed to a standalone
> Glassfish4 instance on my test server.
> However, when deployed to my Glassfish4 cluster, I always get this error:
> javax.websocket.DeploymentException: Found Equivalent paths. Added
> path: '/test-simplewebsocket/ws' is equivalent with
> '/test-simplewebsocket/ws'
> I've tried un-deploying and re-deploying and changing the context path
> and webservice name, but the same "Found Equivalent paths" error
> always occurs when deployed to the cluster. Any ideas or insight
> would be greatly appreciated. The cluster has numerous other
> non-websocket web applications deployed to it which all work as expected.
> -Brady