JSF 2 pages spread over multiple OSGi bundles

From: <>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2011 12:00:24 +0000 (GMT)


I'm researching about WAB and I've found this amazing screencast:

Is there a way to spread UI pages/components over multiple OSGi
bundles? For instance:

--- mainapp.war
.... (other resources, libs)

.... (other resources, libs)

How can I access UI resources in module1 from the context of mainapp?

http://localhost:8080/mainapp/page1.jsf (OK)
http://localhost:8080/mainapp/page_module1.xhtml (???)

I wanna to be able install/update/remove "JSF 2 UI modules" in runtime
using OSGi for that.

Thanks in advance,
