Re: Glassfish v3.0 Virtual Servers not working.

From: Hassan Schroeder <>
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2010 07:53:35 -0800

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 4:55 AM, <> wrote:
> Nothing about this is seen in server logs.

OK, start with the obvious -- earlier you wrote:

> Then i went into browser and typed :

> localhost:8888
> localhost:8888/MyFirstWebApp

> for all of the above i get webpage cannot be displayed. What can be wrong here?

According to your configuration, your server is listening on port 8888
and you have an entry for '' in your hosts file.

So you should enter "" in your browser. And use
Firefox or something besides IE so you get a decent error message.

If that fails, confirm your hosts file entry by pinging ''. And it
may be, depending on your host, that it's being ignored, since there
is a legitimate '' in DNS. Hint: you might want to pick some
unique domain name.

Hassan Schroeder ------------------------
twitter: @hassan