Sorry to hear about these difficulties - I will forward on the note about the <type-converter>, our bytea/ID in PostgreSQL issue, I understand your object model is huge - I will provide a reproduction to test the bug with (I expect it to be one of Transformation, VariableOneToOne or a combination of mixed field/method accessor modes). A temporary handler for the NPE has been checked into the 2.0.2 stream yesterday - an unset descriptor.javaClass should not stop metamodel initialization now.
This issue that interferes with EM predeploy is critical and we will post a full fix as soon as we test it.
The fact that you mention you use orm.xml mapping info intead of JPA annotations is very usefull.
You may add your CC email to the following bug and/or vote for it, there may adjacent bugs entered for the other issues - I have increased it's priority
thank you
[Message sent by forum member 'obrienmi8' (michael.obrien_at_oracle.com)]