Need helping pulling info in NETBEANS 6.8

From: rachala dinesh reddy <>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 13:02:42 -0500

Hi Arun,
          your tutorial (Screencast #29: Web service using NetBeans 6.8 and
GlassFish v3 (Accessing database in business method) is simpley superb
          I have some questions regarding pulling information, I am invoking
webservice as a action event when a user enter there name and hit ok,
WebService should pull info basic on user name from DB and display I dont
know why its not doing that I did exactly as you did in that video tutorial
actually this is my first java program could you please help me if you can


try { // Call Web Service Operation
            Barcode_Info.ShippingAddressService service = new
            Barcode_Info.ShippingAddress port =
            // TODO initialize WS operation arguments here
            java.lang.String bcode = Bcode; //Bcode is user input
            // TODO process result here
            java.lang.String result = port.pullInfo(bcode);
            System.out.println("Result = "+result);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // TODO handle custom exceptions here


public class Shipping_Address {
    EntityManagerFactory enf;
     * Web service operation
    @WebMethod(operationName = "Pull_Info")
    public String Pull_Info(@WebParam(name = "Bcode") //I am passing
userinput here into WEBSERVICE to perform a query
    String Bcode) {
        Info I =
        //TODO write your implementation code here:
        return "Address" +I.getAddress();

Dinesh Rachala