Re: problems deploying ear in GF3

From: Felipe Gaścho <>
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2010 18:40:13 +0100

I found the problem............ it was in several places.. I am
refactoring an old application and the interfaces were together with
the implementation in some packages..

after some refactoring, the application started to work :)

On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 3:09 PM, Hong Zhang <> wrote:
> Hi, Felipe
>    I tried to deploy the ear from the link you included in the original
> post, and I got a deployment error saying there is zero EJB found in
> cejug-classifieds-ws-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar (which was declared as an ejb jar). I
> looked at the ejb-jar.xml in this jar and did not find any EJB declared. So
> the EJBs are probably declared through component annotations, where are the
> EJBs annotated with component annotations packaged? Are they inside this jar
> or some other place inside ear?
>     Thanks,
> - Hong
> Felipe Gaścho wrote:
> thank you , but the problem is not about multiple ejbs.. I have the
> same configuration in another project working fine..
> an ejb in the lib folder is just the client interface to be reused by
> the other applications in the ear, like the war applications.........
> should be something trivial but I can't see what.........
> On Sat, Feb 6, 2010 at 5:21 PM, Xavier Callejas <>
> wrote:
> On Sįbado 06 Febrero 2010 09:04:00 escribió:
> I'm not sure if this is the underlying problem, but your EAR contains two
> copies of the two EJB module JARs: one copy at the top-level of the EAR
> and one copy in the lib directory.
> Did you intend this?
> Felipe,
> Glassfish 3 tries to deploy every EJB that finds, try with just one copy of
> the EJB in the root.
> rgds.
> xavier
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   Felipe Gaścho
   10+ Java Programmer
   CEJUG Senior Advisor