Re: Glassfish V3 embedded and ScatteredArchive

From: Siraj Ghaffar <Siraj.Ghaffar_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 2010 20:57:02 -0500

There should be no need to configure an ArchiveHandler.

There is limited support for ScatteredArchive in v3, which is why there
is no corresponding goal in the embedded maven plugin. That said, can
you try looking at the contents of the scatteredArchive. That might
give a clue - something like :

            ScatteredArchive war = builder.buildWar();
            System.out.println("War content");
            Enumeration<String> contents = war.entries();
            while(contents.hasMoreElements()) {
            } wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to extend the embedded maven plugin to use the ScatteredArchive format so that the archive can be composed of different directories and jar dependencies within a standard maven web project structure - without the need to build a static war file or exploded war.
> The problem is that although I am building the classpath programatically using code like
> ...
> archiveBuilder.addClassPath(jarUrl);
> archiveBuilder.addClassPath(outputDir);
> ..
> ScatteredArchive scatteredArchive = archiveBuilder.buildWar()
> but when deployed using code like
> String appName = deployer.deploy(scatteredArchive, cmdParams);
> the classpath that I have built using the scattered archive builder seems to be ignored (page resources like JSPs are OK). Am I missing a step like maybe configuring an ArchiveHandler?
> Any Ideas?
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