Glassfish V3 embedded and ScatteredArchive

From: <>
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 2010 13:26:11 PST

I am trying to extend the embedded maven plugin to use the ScatteredArchive format so that the archive can be composed of different directories and jar dependencies within a standard maven web project structure - without the need to build a static war file or exploded war.

The problem is that although I am building the classpath programatically using code like
   ScatteredArchive scatteredArchive = archiveBuilder.buildWar()
but when deployed using code like
    String appName = deployer.deploy(scatteredArchive, cmdParams);
the classpath that I have built using the scattered archive builder seems to be ignored (page resources like JSPs are OK). Am I missing a step like maybe configuring an ArchiveHandler?

Any Ideas?
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