Re: Problem with starting new instance of cluster.

From: <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 10:55:29 PDT

this is glassfish-installer-v2.1-b60e-linux

there are two tag like <jms-service> in instance1/config/domain.xml

      <jms-service addresslist-behavior="priority" addresslist-iterations="3" default-jms-host="default_JMS_host" init-timeout-in-seconds="60" reconnect-attempts="3" reconnect-enabled="true" reconnect-interval-in-seconds="5" type="LOCAL">
        <jms-host admin-password="admin" admin-user-name="admin" host="localhost.localdomain" name="default_JMS_host" port="${JMS_PROVIDER_PORT}"/>

I tried to change localhost.localdomain t my hostname and I have " hostname" in hosts file
But in log there is still

Timestamp, not so important I test this all the time and maybe I forget to clear server.log file
before test.

Nop this not a laptop, but the problem is with this loopback I dont know where can I configure this.

LOG from instance1 domain
INFO |JMS Service Connection URL is :mq://localhost.localdomain:37676/|#]
INFO MQJMSRA_RA1101: SJSMQ JMS Resource Adapter starting...|#]
WARNING - Looking for Broker Running at:localhost:37676|#]
WARNING - Error occurred on connection creation [localhost:37676]. - cause: Connection refused|#]
WAR - start:Ping broker failed 60085 millis after broker start performed. Failing ra.start()|#]
 start:Aborting:Check Broker Log File at:/opt/glassfish/nodeagents/agent-1/instance1/imq/instances/cluster/log/log.txt|#]
WAR -start:Aborting:Check Broker Password File at:/tmp/asmq5560764303187286689.tmp|#]
SEVERE - start:Aborting:Exception starting LOCAL broker=MQJMSRA_LB4001: start:Aborted:Unable to ping Broker within 60000 millis (startTimeOut)|#]
WAR - java.lang.RuntimeException: MQJMSRA_LB4001: start:Aborted:Unable to ping Broker within 60000 millis (startTimeOut)
INFO Leaving GMS group cluster with shutdown type set to InstanceShutdown|#]
INFO sending notification to server...instance1|#]
INFO Server shutdown complete.|
[Message sent by forum member 'marcintom' (marcintom)]