Re: Problem with starting new instance of cluster.

From: <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 07:05:10 PDT

Which version of Glassfish is this?

> [#|2009-07-27T14:06:11.982+0200|WARNING|sun-appserver2
> .1||_ThreadID=10;_Th
> readName=main;_RequestID=077701a2-3fca-408f-8500-de289
> 0cc0b4c;|java.lang.RuntimeException: MQJMSRA_LB4001:
> start:Aborted:Unable to ping Broker within 60000
> millis (startTimeOut)

This suggests that the MQ broker failed to start.

> I have tag like <system-property
> name="JMS_PROVIDER_PORT" value="37676"/> inside
> this instance config/domain.xml file.
> Could anyone help me.

Can you supply what the <jms-service> element is set to?

> There is one other WARNING that tell to see log in
> /nodeagents/node_agent_1/instance_1/imq/instances/mycl
> usterinstance1/log/log.txt
> And in this log.txt file I found this
> [27/lip/2009:14:24:02 CEST] [B1004]: Starting the
> portmapper service using tcp [ 37676, 50, * ] with
> min threads 1 and max threads of 1
> [27/lip/2009:14:24:02 CEST] ERROR [B3168]: Invalid
> broker address for this broker to run in cluster:
> Loopback IP address is not allowed in broker address
> mq:// for cluster

The timestamp on that message (14:24) doesn't match the time (before 14:06) you were trying to start the cluster. In the broker log, do you see any messages that were logged at the time you started the cluster, and which might explian why the broker failed to start?

As for that message, were you using the loopback address? We typically see this on an un-networked laptop,

[Message sent by forum member 'nigeldeakin' (nigeldeakin)]