From: <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 10:37:20 PDT

Do you have any idea what open source stands for?
I am a long time believer in open source. And I have nothing against paying for support on open source products that actually show promise.

But my problem is with projects like glassfish who call themselves open source but really is a sluggish community bringing bad name to all the open source projects. Another victim here is JAVA itself. JAVA was designed to be simple and platform independent. You guys have made JAVA based systems so complex and cumbersome that no new developer wants to use it anymore.

Yes, we need a better system than JBOSS. And that's why I have been looking at Glassfish. The least I expect from the installer is that it works as per the QUICK START GUIDE. The f***ing quick start guide tells me to go to http://localhost:4848 for the admin console. As it turns out there is no admin console. I then post a question on the forum. The forum sends me on a wild goose chase saying try installer X and then installer Y. I try about 5 installers and one of them from months ago works. So, I decide to look at the help page and see how the admin console works.... hmmm.. no help page. I go back to the forum and ask how to make the help page work.......SILENCE.

So, after 2 days of banging my head on my desk, I decide to send out some blasting emails. At this point, it's not a matter of whether I can fix the problem myself and get on with my project. At this point, the question is whether I want to spend anymore days frustrating over this product and a sluggish community. The question is whether I trust y job and the future of my company over this product a product like this. The question is whether I can save other people's time and money by writing some real reviews about Glassfish.

I think I will do more service to open source community by exposing glassfish community than by helping you guys fix the problem.

[Message sent by forum member 'gniontas' (gniontas)]