
Re: EJB Container initialization error

From: Felipe Gaścho <fgaucho_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2009 15:01:22 +0100

And guess what ? the application is running fast & furious on b73 :)

* I believe the code of Glassfish V3.x was fine since the beginning
... and even the log message makes sense now..
* the log message can be more clear saying: "hey idiot, you deployed
the same EJB twice.. go home !! , or a some more elegant version of
that :) eheh

Java EE 6 is brand new and people don't know yet how to use it
properly.. mea culpa :) I will blog about that to help the other
people facing the same mess...

now I am a better Glassfish developer... :)