
Re: EJB Container initialization error

From: Felipe Gaścho <fgaucho_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2009 15:11:22 +0100

And my service has a face now: http://fgaucho.dyndns.org:8080/arena-dwr/

Just select "Cearį Java User Group" + "PUJCE-08" ... to see the
students participant of the last year academic competition at CEJUG :)

* It is a contribution from a student.. done with the DWR framework...

* the 2009 competition is running right now.. the system won't be
ready for this year, but I want a lot to use it next year.. fully
Glassfish+EJB3.x+JMS+JavaMail+MySql based..
