
Re: EJB Container initialization error

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2009 13:29:34 -0800

Hi Felipe,

I looked your web page and saw last year academic competition, looks
more than 10 students
won the competition. Great work and good luck to you in 2009 competition !

We GlassFish Quality Community (GFQC) introduced GlassFish to university
testing classes
to give students first hand experience on how to test software product.
It was big success like
FishCAT program. If your university students have interest, we can talk
about this more, this
may be combined with your student competition program :-)


Felipe Gaúcho wrote:
> And my service has a face now: http://fgaucho.dyndns.org:8080/arena-dwr/
> Just select "Ceará Java User Group" + "PUJCE-08" ... to see the
> students participant of the last year academic competition at CEJUG :)
> * It is a contribution from a student.. done with the DWR framework...
> * the 2009 competition is running right now.. the system won't be
> ready for this year, but I want a lot to use it next year.. fully
> Glassfish+EJB3.x+JMS+JavaMail+MySql based..
> :)
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