
Re: b25 lot better than the other promoted build

From: Survivant <survivant00_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2008 16:00:51 -0400

that's a good explaination.

> As I am certain you face in your development projects, practical technical
> dependencies, schedules and prudent choices all come into play while
> making directional decisions.

As the Jython developers note: "Don't rewrite
> perfectly good Python code in Java

Agreed. I though that you start the update tool from scratch and choose
python over Java. I agreed to that Jython could be a good move, but if
there isn't a more value.. why waste time to do that.

one question. Is it complex to switch to WebStart pack instead of pkg for
the installation ?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher Kampmeier" <Christopher.Kampmeier_at_Sun.COM>
To: <dev_at_updatecenter.dev.java.net>
Cc: <quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net>
Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2008 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: b25 lot better than the other promoted build

> Judy Tang wrote:
>> Thanks Survivant, it is great to hear this news from you. Thanks
>> developer, they worked very hard and fixed a lot of bugs.
>> I checked your long list of bugs, now only 5 are open :-)
>> Let me cc to updatetool developer for your question/suggestion.
>> Happy Fishcatting !
>> Judy
>> Survivant 00 wrote:
>>> - the locale error is fixed,
>>> - the blank page when admin gui is install is fixed (work for me)
>>> - no javascript error when accessing the admin gui
>>> one question. WHY the update tool is done in python and not Swing ?
>>> With swing, Glassfish won't have to install python.. and I don't see why
>>> not promoting Java technologies over python :(
> As I am certain you face in your development projects, practical technical
> dependencies, schedules and prudent choices all come into play while
> making directional decisions.
> Since the Image Packaging System (aka pkg(5)) infrastructure is written in
> Python and there isn't a suitable Java->Python solution available, the
> choice was made back in early CY08 to go with a Python-based GUI framework
> to develop the standalone Update Tool GUI.
> Since the Java API for pkg(5) covers only a part of the pkg(5) Python API
> and this Java API was only recently introduced, using that API for a
> Swing-based GUI was not a practical option.
> Later this year we expect to continue experiments with the Jython 2.5
> early access implementation to validate that running the pkg(5) Python
> code on top of a JVM will be feasible. Initial experiments bore some
> positive results, but more investigation is required.
> With the Jython approach, an evolution of the current Java API for pkg(5)
> would likely be mapped on top of the underlying Python implementation such
> that we can avoid completely reimplementing the pkg(5) infrastructure. As
> the Jython developers note: "Don't rewrite perfectly good Python code in
> Java!" i.e. Don't reinvent the wheel when technologies such as Jython
> exist.
> If later in CY09 people feel it's necessary to implement a Swing-based
> Update Tool GUI, then people will be better enabled to do so at that time.
> (Note that use of Jython introduces a dependency in terms of download
> size, but at least it's cross-platform).
> More generally, in terms of language choices, bear in mind that since the
> JVM has been promoted as a great runtime platform for scripting support,
> promotion of Java over Python or other scripting technologies isn't as
> material these days. It's all about using the right tool for the job.
> Chris Kampmeier
>>> I'm trying to install updatetool from the updatetool.bat.. but it stuck
>>> to python. I suppose that's why the Windows installer stall at 45%
>>> Installing: [pkg:/pkg_at_1.0.7,0-15.1183:20080912T012943Z]
>>> pkg:/pkg_at_1.0.7,0-15.1183:20080912T012943Z: downloading 206 files
>>> pkg:/python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4.0
>>> <mailto:python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4.0>,0-15.1183:20080912T012955Z:
>>> downloading 262 files
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