
Re: b25 lot better than the other promoted build

From: Christopher Kampmeier <Christopher.Kampmeier_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2008 12:52:33 -0500

Judy Tang wrote:
> Thanks Survivant, it is great to hear this news from you. Thanks
> developer, they worked very hard and fixed a lot of bugs.
> I checked your long list of bugs, now only 5 are open :-)
> Let me cc to updatetool developer for your question/suggestion.
> Happy Fishcatting !
> Judy
> Survivant 00 wrote:
>> - the locale error is fixed,
>> - the blank page when admin gui is install is fixed (work for me)
>> - no javascript error when accessing the admin gui
>> one question. WHY the update tool is done in python and not Swing ?
>> With swing, Glassfish won't have to install python.. and I don't see
>> why not promoting Java technologies over python :(

As I am certain you face in your development projects, practical
technical dependencies, schedules and prudent choices all come into play
while making directional decisions.

Since the Image Packaging System (aka pkg(5)) infrastructure is written
in Python and there isn't a suitable Java->Python solution available,
the choice was made back in early CY08 to go with a Python-based GUI
framework to develop the standalone Update Tool GUI.

Since the Java API for pkg(5) covers only a part of the pkg(5) Python
API and this Java API was only recently introduced, using that API for a
Swing-based GUI was not a practical option.

Later this year we expect to continue experiments with the Jython 2.5
early access implementation to validate that running the pkg(5) Python
code on top of a JVM will be feasible. Initial experiments bore some
positive results, but more investigation is required.

With the Jython approach, an evolution of the current Java API for
pkg(5) would likely be mapped on top of the underlying Python
implementation such that we can avoid completely reimplementing the
pkg(5) infrastructure. As the Jython developers note: "Don't rewrite
perfectly good Python code in Java!" i.e. Don't reinvent the wheel when
technologies such as Jython exist.

If later in CY09 people feel it's necessary to implement a Swing-based
Update Tool GUI, then people will be better enabled to do so at that
time. (Note that use of Jython introduces a dependency in terms of
download size, but at least it's cross-platform).

More generally, in terms of language choices, bear in mind that since
the JVM has been promoted as a great runtime platform for scripting
support, promotion of Java over Python or other scripting technologies
isn't as material these days. It's all about using the right tool for
the job.

Chris Kampmeier

>> I'm trying to install updatetool from the updatetool.bat.. but it
>> stuck to python. I suppose that's why the Windows installer stall at 45%
>> Installing: [pkg:/pkg_at_1.0.7,0-15.1183:20080912T012943Z]
>> pkg:/pkg_at_1.0.7,0-15.1183:20080912T012943Z: downloading 206 files
>> pkg:/python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4.0
>> <mailto:python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4.0>,0-15.1183:20080912T012955Z:
>> downloading 262 files