
Glassfish v2ur2 with openSolaris

From: Thierry Trappler <Thierry.Trappler_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 15:03:57 +0200

Hi y'all
Just starting with openSolaris. Wanted to install GF V2ur2 (AS9.1u2) on
it the same way as I installed it for a Solaris 10 box.
So, wanted to run the binary sjsas_ee-9_1_02-solaris-i586.bin for example.
My DISPLAY variable is well defined but the script refused to run
Connecting to X11 server '<fqdn>:0.0'.
Error: Cannot connect to X11 server '<fqdn>:0.0'.
Check that the DISPLAY environment variable is correctly set or try
rerunning this application with the following usage:
    'sjsas_ee-9_1_02-solaris-i586.bin' -console

My understanding is that, even if I'm using openSolaris (05.2008), I can
install GFv2ur2 just bu running the binary.
I was thinking it is supported.

What do you think ?
