Re: error building hk2

From: Sahoo <>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 08:49:29 +0530

Try doing the following if you are still facing the problem in building hk2:

mvn -Prelease-phase1 install
mvn install

This will ensure that the plugin gets built in first phase and in the
second phase it will try to build artifacts using the same plugin.

Siraj Ghaffar wrote:
> I was getting "Badly Formed Maven Project" error in Netbeans so I
> tried building hk2 source.
> I checked out hk2 source :
> svn checkout
> and ran mvn install from hk2 directory - get this error :
> [INFO] Unable to find resource
> 'com.sun.enterprise:hk2-maven-plugin:maven-plugin:0.3.96-SNAPSHOT' in
> repository jvnet-maven2-repository (
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Plugin could not be found - check that the goal name is
> correct: Unable to download the artifact from any repository
> Try downloading the file manually from the project website.
> Then, install it using the command:
> mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.sun.enterprise
> -DartifactId=hk2-maven-plugin -Dversion=0.3.96-SNAPSHOT
> -Dpackaging=maven-plugin -Dfile=/path/to/file
> Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the file
> there:
> mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=com.sun.enterprise
> -DartifactId=hk2-maven-plugin -Dversion=0.3.96-SNAPSHOT
> -Dpackaging=maven-plugin -Dfile=/path/to/file -Durl=[url]
> -DrepositoryId=[id]
> com.sun.enterprise:hk2-maven-plugin:maven-plugin:0.3.96-SNAPSHOT
> from the specified remote repositories:
> central (,
> jvnet-maven2-repository (,
> glassfish-repository (
> com.sun.enterprise:hk2-maven-plugin:maven-plugin:0.3.96-SNAPSHOT
> from the specified remote repositories:
> central (,
> jvnet-maven2-repository (,
> glassfish-repository (
> Anyone knows what's wrong?
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