Re: error building hk2

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 20:46:21 -0700

I just fixed it but yes Sahoo's advice is good.

On Sep 24, 2009, at 8:19 PM, Sahoo wrote:

> Try doing the following if you are still facing the problem in
> building hk2:
> mvn -Prelease-phase1 install
> mvn install
> This will ensure that the plugin gets built in first phase and in
> the second phase it will try to build artifacts using the same plugin.
> Thanks,
> Sahoo
> Siraj Ghaffar wrote:
>> I was getting "Badly Formed Maven Project" error in Netbeans so I
>> tried building hk2 source.
>> I checked out hk2 source :
>> svn checkout
>> and ran mvn install from hk2 directory - get this error :
>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'com.sun.enterprise:hk2-maven-
>> plugin:maven-plugin:0.3.96-SNAPSHOT' in repository jvnet-maven2-
>> repository (
>> [INFO]
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [INFO]
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [INFO] Plugin could not be found - check that the goal name is
>> correct: Unable to download the artifact from any repository
>> Try downloading the file manually from the project website.
>> Then, install it using the command:
>> mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.sun.enterprise -
>> DartifactId=hk2-maven-plugin -Dversion=0.3.96-SNAPSHOT -
>> Dpackaging=maven-plugin -Dfile=/path/to/file
>> Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the
>> file there:
>> mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=com.sun.enterprise -
>> DartifactId=hk2-maven-plugin -Dversion=0.3.96-SNAPSHOT -
>> Dpackaging=maven-plugin -Dfile=/path/to/file -Durl=[url] -
>> DrepositoryId=[id]
>> com.sun.enterprise:hk2-maven-plugin:maven-plugin:0.3.96-SNAPSHOT
>> from the specified remote repositories:
>> central (,
>> jvnet-maven2-repository (,
>> glassfish-repository (
>> com.sun.enterprise:hk2-maven-plugin:maven-plugin:0.3.96-SNAPSHOT
>> from the specified remote repositories:
>> central (,
>> jvnet-maven2-repository (,
>> glassfish-repository (
>> Anyone knows what's wrong?
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