Object Designer Data Model Changes

This topic explains the Object Data model changes required for the Live Chat Sentiment Analysis Accelerator. It uses two custom objects to store the data needed for this feature to work. These two tables have a parent (ChatAIResultSummary) child (ChatAIPredictionInfo) relationship.

Custom Objects

ChatAIResultSummary table: It is referred as the parent table in this documentation. It contains the prediction evaluation summary along with information regarding the chats. A row is created in this table when a new or transferred chat is accepted by an agent.

The following table lists the fields in the ChatAIResultSummary table.

Field Name Data Type Description
IsEndUserInNegativeEmotion Yes/No Flag indicating that the chat had a negative emotion from customer
ChatId Integer Product chat table ID
HaveAgentInNegativeEmotion Yes/No Can be used to flag negative agent emotion if it is in scope after customization
IsAlertTriggered Yes/No Can be used to flag alerting if it is in scope after customization
RequestManagerIntervene Yes/No Flag to indicate if any of the chat text from the end user had a ask for supervisor
RequestManagerInterveneCount Integer Number of chat texts with ask for supervisor
IsActive Yes/No Flag to indicate if the chat is active in feature context
CurrentQueue Menu Current queue in which chat is present
MaxNegativeMessageCount Integer Maximum number of negative chats which is allowed to not consider a chat to be evaluated
MinEmotionConf Decimal Emotion confidence threshold when chat message was sent
MinRequestManagerInterveneConf Decimal Request for manager intervene confidence threshold when chat message was sent
InitialMessageToSkipCount Integer Number of messages to skip before the evaluation of negative messages
NegativeMessageCount Integer Number of negative messages
AccountId Integer Relation column with Account table
ContactId Integer Relation column with Contact table
ChatDurationInMin Integer Time duration, in minutes, between first chat and last chat for a specific chat captured by feature custom table
IsPrivateChat Yes/No Flag chats happening as private between two agents using conference feature

ChatAIPredictionInfo table: It is referred as the child table in this documentation. A new row is created in this table for each new message created in a chat.

The following table lists the fields in the ChatAIPredictionInfo table.

Field Name Data Type Description
ChatText Text (Long Text) Text of each individual chat message
Emotion Menu Emotion of a chat message
SuggestEmotion Menu Suggested emotion from the supervisor who reviewed the prediction
EmotionConf Decimal Confidence score of the predicted emotion from model
SuggestManagerIntervene Yes/No Suggested Manager Intervene from the supervisor who reviewed the prediction
RequestManagerIntervene Yes/No Manager Intervene predicted
RequestManagerInterveneConf Decimal Confidence score of Manager Intervene predicted from model
ChatRole Menu Role of person who created the chat message
ChatAIResultSummary Integer Parent table Id which groups a set of chat messages under one individual interaction between the agent and the end user
ChatOrder integer Order in which chat messages are created inside an individual interaction