Accelerator Reports
The Live Chat Sentiment Analysis Accelerator has the following reports packaged along with the sample code:
- Live Chat Sentiment Monitoring Report: This report shows the following details for
all the configured fields. This report can be embedded to the workspace if the
administrator wants to monitor the results.
- ChatId: Chat Id from product chat table
- Agent: The name of the agent
- Customer: The name of the customer
- Flagged for Negative Emotion: The flag indicating that a chat is progressing in negative emotion
- Customer Asked for Manager: The flag indicating that a chat has an end user message asking for a supervisor
- Queue Assigned: The current queue in which chat is present
- Chat Duration: The duration of chat interaction
- Chat Message Sentiment Details Report: This report is an inline report of Chat
Escalation Monitoring Report. This report shows the following details for all chat
- ID: The Id of the child table record created when a new message is sent in a chat
- Respondent: The role of the respondent indicating if it's an agent or an end user
- Respondent Name: The name of the respondent
- Chat Text: The text of each chat message
- Predicted Sentiment: The menu field with the chat text predicted emotion
- Predicted Sentiment Confidence: The confidence score of the emotion predicted
- Final Sentiment: The feedback column to provide correct emotion prediction
- Customer ask for manager: The field which has predicted the ask for a supervisor. Values are Yes or No.
- Manager ask confidence: The confidence score of “ask for supervisor” prediction
- Final Manager ask value: The feedback column to provide correction
These reports only consider active chats. They do not consider inactive chats for which the prediction flow is completed. The fields available for reporting can be used to write similar extensions to create reports, if required.