Extension SDK 10.1.2

Package oracle.javatools.editor

The Editor package is a basic framework for an editor component with syntax highlighting capabilities, built on top of the Swing text framework.


Interface Summary
ActionHookInvoker An ActionHookInvoker is an interface to a class that is responsible for performing some set of actions.
ActionInvoker An ActionInvoker is an interface to a class which is responsible for executing actions that operate on an editor component or document.
ActionPostInvoker The ActionPostInvoker is used to listen for completed editor actions immediately after they complete - this gives plugins a chance to do some subsequent, such as formatting after inserting a new line.
BasicDocumentEvent The BasicDocumentEvent just supplements the existing Swing DocumentEvent class with extra information that is used for damage calculation purposes.
CharacterTypedListener The CharacterTypedListener interface should be implemented by observers interested in receiving notifications of characters typed into the editor pane.
FeedbackManager A FeedbackManager is an interface used for different editor plugins or sub-components to display text feedback to a user.
PopupManager A PopupManager is an interface for the editor component to inform the editor client to show or hide a context-sensitive popup menu in response to a user's request.
ToolTipProvider The ToolTipProvider is an interface for the editor component to ask the editor client for an appropriate tooltip to display based on the given location of the mouse event.

Class Summary
ActionNames The ActionNames class defines all the actions known to the editor component and mappable in the various keymappings.
BasicAction The BasicAction is an abstract class that all editor actions should extend from.
BasicCaret A BasicCaret extends the DefaultCaret to modify the default behavior about the visibility of the selection, and other extra features.
BasicDocument A BasicDocument is an implementation of the Document interface, similar to "PlainDocument" without the extra overhead of the Element structures for maintaining line number information, and with a different text buffer implementation.
BasicEditorKit The BasicEditorKit extends the DefaultEditorKit and can be used with a JEditorPane to force the use of the BasicDocument and BasicView classes to reduce the overhead of the line element structures present in the default document implementations.
BasicEditorKit.BackwardAction The BackwardAction implementation of the action for moving the caret logically backward one position, possibly extending the selection.
BasicEditorKit.BeepAction The BeepAction implementation of the action to create a beep.
BasicEditorKit.BeginAction The BeginAction implementation of the action for moving the caret to the begining of the document, possibly extending the selection.
BasicEditorKit.BeginLineAction The BeginLineAction implementation of the action for moving the caret to the begining of a line, possibly extending the selection.
BasicEditorKit.BeginWordAction The BeginWordAction implementation of the action for moving the caret to the begining of a word, possibly extending the selection.
BasicEditorKit.BlockIndentOutdentAction The BlockIndentOutdentAction implementation of the action for performing a block indent or block outdent.
BasicEditorKit.CopyAction The CopyAction implementation of the action to copy the selected region and place the contents into the system clipboard.
BasicEditorKit.CutAction The CutAction implementation of the action to cut the selected region and place the contents into the system clipboard.
BasicEditorKit.DefaultKeyTypedAction Replacement for the normal key typed action to add support for insert/overwrite mode with the caret.
BasicEditorKit.DeleteLineAction The DeleteLineAction implementation of the action for deleting the line the caret is currently on.
BasicEditorKit.DeleteNextCharAction The DeleteNextCharAction implementation
BasicEditorKit.DeleteNextWordAction The DeleteUntilNextWordAction implementation of the action for deleting from cursor position until the next occurrence of a word start or word end.
BasicEditorKit.DeletePrevCharAction The DeletePrevCharAction implementation of the action to delete the character of content that precedes the current caret position.
BasicEditorKit.DeletePreviousWordAction The DeletePreviousWordAction implementation of the action for deleting from cursor position until the previous occurrence of a word start or word end.
BasicEditorKit.DeleteUntilEOLAction The DeleteUntilEOLAction implementation of the action for deleting from cursor position until the end of line.
BasicEditorKit.DownAction The DownAction implementation of the action for moving the caret logically down one position, possibly extending the selection.
BasicEditorKit.EmacsAppendNextKillAction The EmacsAppendNextKillAction implementation of the action which sets the editor into a mode where if the next command is a kill, it will append into the kill-ring.
BasicEditorKit.EmacsBackwardKillWordAction The EmacsBackwardKillWordAction implementation of the action for killing until the previous start of a word and adding or prepending it to the Emacs kill ring.
BasicEditorKit.EmacsBeginAction The EmacsBeginAction implementation of the action for marking the current caret position, and moving the caret to the start of the buffer.
BasicEditorKit.EmacsCapitalizeWordAction The EmacsCapitalizeWordAction is the action for capitalizing the next non-whitespace character, and converting to the next end of a word to all lowercase.
BasicEditorKit.EmacsCaseRegionAction The EmacsCaseRegionAction is the action for converting the region to all lowercase or uppercase.
BasicEditorKit.EmacsCaseWordAction The EmacsCaseWordAction is a base action for Emacs word-case action implementations.
BasicEditorKit.EmacsDeleteHorizontalSpaceAction The EmacsDeleteHorizontalSpaceAction is the action for deleting all spaces and tabs surrounding the current cursor position.
BasicEditorKit.EmacsDowncaseWordAction The EmacsDowncaseWordAction is the action for converting from the current position to the next end of a word to all lowercase.
BasicEditorKit.EmacsEndAction The EmacsEndAction implementation of the action for marking the current caret position, and moving the caret to the end of the buffer.
BasicEditorKit.EmacsExchangePointMarkAction The EmacsExchangePointMarkAction implementation of the action for exchanging the point (current caret position) and an Emacs-style mark in the editor.
BasicEditorKit.EmacsKillLineAction The EmacsKillLineAction implementation of the action for killing the line and adding or appending it to the Emacs kill ring.
BasicEditorKit.EmacsKillRegionAction The EmacsKillRegionAction implementation of the action for killing the region (or doing a kill-ring-save) between the point and mark and adding or appending it to the Emacs kill ring.
BasicEditorKit.EmacsKillTypeAction The EmacsKillTypeAction is a base action for all Emacs kill-type action implementations.
BasicEditorKit.EmacsKillWordAction The EmacsKillWordAction implementation of the action for killing until the next start of a word and adding or appending it to the Emacs kill ring.
BasicEditorKit.EmacsMarkBufferAction The EmacsMarkBufferAction implementation of the action for marking the end of the buffer, and moving the caret to the start of the buffer.
BasicEditorKit.EmacsSetMarkAction The EmacsSetMarkAction implementation of the action for setting an Emacs-style mark in the editor.
BasicEditorKit.EmacsUpcaseWordAction The EmacsUpcaseWordAction is the action for converting from the current position to the next end of a word to all uppercase.
BasicEditorKit.EmacsYankAction The EmacsYankAction implementation of the action for yanking or popping the text from the kill-ring.
BasicEditorKit.EndAction The EndAction implementation of the action for moving the caret to the begining of the document, possibly extending the selection.
BasicEditorKit.EndLineAction The EndLineAction implementation of the action for moving the caret to the end of a line, possibly extending the selection.
BasicEditorKit.EndWordAction The EndWordAction implementation of the action for moving the caret to the end of a word, possibly extending the selection.
BasicEditorKit.ForwardAction The ForwardAction implementation of the action for moving the caret logically forward one position, possibly extending the selection.
BasicEditorKit.GotoMatchingBraceAction The GotoMatchingBraceAction implementation of the action to move the cursor to the matching brace (if brace matching is available.)
BasicEditorKit.InsertBreakAction The InsertBreakAction implementation of the action to place a line/paragraph break into the document.
BasicEditorKit.InsertTabAction The InsertTabAction implementation of the action to place a tab character into the document.
BasicEditorKit.MacroRecorderAction The MacroRecorderAction implementation of the action for both playing back a recorded macro as well as for toggling macro recording on and off.
BasicEditorKit.NavigateAction The NavigateAction just takes care of storing whether selection is performed or not.
BasicEditorKit.NextWordAction The NextWordAction implementation of the action for moving the caret to the next occurrence of a word start or end, possibly extending the selection.
BasicEditorKit.NOPAction The NOPAction implementation of a placeholder action.
BasicEditorKit.OpenLineAction The OpenLineAction implementation of the action for inserting a new line to the right of the current caret position.
BasicEditorKit.PageDownAction The PageDownAction implementation of the action to page down vertically, and possibly move the selection.
BasicEditorKit.PageUpAction The PageUpAction implementation of the action to page up vertically, and possibly move the selection.
BasicEditorKit.PasteAction The PasteAction implementation of the action to paste the contents of the system clipboard into the selected region, or before the caret if nothing is selected.
BasicEditorKit.PreviousWordAction The PreviousWordAction implementation of the action for moving the caret to the previous occurrence of a word start or end, possibly extending the selection.
BasicEditorKit.ReadOnlyAction The ReadOnlyAction implementation of the action to set the editor into read-only mode.
BasicEditorKit.RecenterLineAction The RecenterLineAction implementation of the action for recentering the line the caret is on vertically on screen.
BasicEditorKit.ReverseTabAction The ReverseTabAction implementation of the action to move the caret backwards to the previous tab stop.
BasicEditorKit.ScrollLineDownAction The ScrollLineDownAction implementation of the action for scrolling the window down by one line (which moves the content upwards.)
BasicEditorKit.ScrollLineUpAction The ScrollLineUpAction implementation of the action for scrolling the window up by one line (which moves the content downwards.)
BasicEditorKit.ScrollPageDownAction The ScrollPageDownAction implementation of the action for scrolling the window down by one page (moving content up.)
BasicEditorKit.ScrollPageUpAction The ScrollPageUpAction implementation of the action for scrolling the window up by one page (moving content down.)
BasicEditorKit.SelectAllAction The SelectAllAction implementation of the action for selecting the entire document.
BasicEditorKit.SelectLineAction The SelectLineAction implementation of the action for selecting a line around the caret.
BasicEditorKit.SelectWordAction The SelectWordAction implementation of the action for selecting a word around the caret.
BasicEditorKit.SetLocalTabSizeAction The SetLocalTabSizeAction implementation of the action to set the tab size of the current editor locally to the specified amount.
BasicEditorKit.SortSelectedLines The SortSelectedLinesAction implementation of the action for sorting the selected lines.
BasicEditorKit.TabifyAction The TabifyAction implementation of the action for converting leading spaces of a line to tabs if possible, preserving the ending column of the first non-whitespace of the line.
BasicEditorKit.ToggleCommentsAction The ToggleCommentsAction implementation of the action for toggling the current line or selected lines between as commented or uncommented using the language's single-line comments (if defined.)
BasicEditorKit.ToggleInsertModeAction The ToggleInsertModeAction implementation of the action for toggling between insert and overwrite mode.
BasicEditorKit.TransposeCharsAction The TransposeCharsAction implementation of the action for transposing two adjacent characters.
BasicEditorKit.UnselectAction The UnselectAction implementation of the action for for removing selection.
BasicEditorKit.UntabifyAction The UntabifyAction implementation of the action for converting all hard tabs to spaces, adding enough spaces to preserve column positions of non-whitespace characters.
BasicEditorKit.UpAction The UpAction implementation of the action for moving the caret logically up one position, possibly extending the selection.
BasicEditorKit.WritableAction The WritableAction implementation of the action to set the editor into writeable mode.
BasicEditorPane A BasicEditorPane is an extension of the JEditorPane to provide more flexible syntax and background highlighting functionality at a reduced memory and performance footprint.
BasicEditorUI The BasicEditorUI overrides the default look and feel for the BasicEditorPane implementation in order to adhere to the locking policies in the document.
BasicView A BasicView is an implementation of the View interface, for rendering the BasicDocumentElement used by the BasicDocument.
EditDescriptor The EditDescriptor is used to describe an edit operation that is undoable.
EditorProperties An EditorProperties class provides a global registry for properties which affect all documents and editor panes of this package.
EmacsAction The EmacsAction is an abstract class that all Emacs actions should extend from.
EmacsAction.Tracker Protected class for tracking an editor and offset to determine whether to merge possibly consecutive kill actions, or for determining whether previous action was a yank or yank pop.
FontHelper The FontHelper class is used for caching all style variations of a single font, such as plain or bold, from a single family and font size.
Utilities The Utilities just defines convenient utility routines.
WeakPropertyChangeSupport The WeakPropertyChangeSupport is based on the PropertyChangeSupport, but uses WeakReferences to store listener references.

Package oracle.javatools.editor Description

The Editor package is a basic framework for an editor component with syntax highlighting capabilities, built on top of the Swing text framework. It includes built-in highlight support for Java, JSP, HTML, C++, IDL, XML, PL/SQL, and Java properties files.

The primary editor component, BasicEditorPane (which extends Swing's JEditorPane), can be used as a replacement for any JTextArea or JEditorPane instances for automatic syntax highlighting of the supported language types. Additionally, new syntax highlighting modules for additional languages may be added easily by implementing a LanguageModule, LanguageSupport, and DocumentRenderer implementations.

For more information on the capabilities and services of an editor pane, refer to the JavaDoc for the BasicEditorPane.

Extension SDK


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