Extension SDK 10.1.2

Class BasicEditorKit

  extended byjavax.swing.text.EditorKit
      extended byjavax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
          extended byoracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorKit
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, java.io.Serializable, javax.swing.text.ViewFactory

public class BasicEditorKit
extends javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
implements javax.swing.text.ViewFactory

The BasicEditorKit extends the DefaultEditorKit and can be used with a JEditorPane to force the use of the BasicDocument and BasicView classes to reduce the overhead of the line element structures present in the default document implementations.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static class BasicEditorKit.BackwardAction
          The BackwardAction implementation of the action for moving the caret logically backward one position, possibly extending the selection.
static class BasicEditorKit.BeepAction
          The BeepAction implementation of the action to create a beep.
static class BasicEditorKit.BeginAction
          The BeginAction implementation of the action for moving the caret to the begining of the document, possibly extending the selection.
static class BasicEditorKit.BeginLineAction
          The BeginLineAction implementation of the action for moving the caret to the begining of a line, possibly extending the selection.
static class BasicEditorKit.BeginWordAction
          The BeginWordAction implementation of the action for moving the caret to the begining of a word, possibly extending the selection.
static class BasicEditorKit.BlockIndentOutdentAction
          The BlockIndentOutdentAction implementation of the action for performing a block indent or block outdent.
static class BasicEditorKit.CopyAction
          The CopyAction implementation of the action to copy the selected region and place the contents into the system clipboard.
static class BasicEditorKit.CutAction
          The CutAction implementation of the action to cut the selected region and place the contents into the system clipboard.
static class BasicEditorKit.DefaultKeyTypedAction
          Replacement for the normal key typed action to add support for insert/overwrite mode with the caret.
static class BasicEditorKit.DeleteLineAction
          The DeleteLineAction implementation of the action for deleting the line the caret is currently on.
static class BasicEditorKit.DeleteNextCharAction
          The DeleteNextCharAction implementation
static class BasicEditorKit.DeleteNextWordAction
          The DeleteUntilNextWordAction implementation of the action for deleting from cursor position until the next occurrence of a word start or word end.
static class BasicEditorKit.DeletePrevCharAction
          The DeletePrevCharAction implementation of the action to delete the character of content that precedes the current caret position.
static class BasicEditorKit.DeletePreviousWordAction
          The DeletePreviousWordAction implementation of the action for deleting from cursor position until the previous occurrence of a word start or word end.
static class BasicEditorKit.DeleteUntilEOLAction
          The DeleteUntilEOLAction implementation of the action for deleting from cursor position until the end of line.
static class BasicEditorKit.DownAction
          The DownAction implementation of the action for moving the caret logically down one position, possibly extending the selection.
static class BasicEditorKit.EmacsAppendNextKillAction
          The EmacsAppendNextKillAction implementation of the action which sets the editor into a mode where if the next command is a kill, it will append into the kill-ring.
static class BasicEditorKit.EmacsBackwardKillWordAction
          The EmacsBackwardKillWordAction implementation of the action for killing until the previous start of a word and adding or prepending it to the Emacs kill ring.
static class BasicEditorKit.EmacsBeginAction
          The EmacsBeginAction implementation of the action for marking the current caret position, and moving the caret to the start of the buffer.
static class BasicEditorKit.EmacsCapitalizeWordAction
          The EmacsCapitalizeWordAction is the action for capitalizing the next non-whitespace character, and converting to the next end of a word to all lowercase.
static class BasicEditorKit.EmacsCaseRegionAction
          The EmacsCaseRegionAction is the action for converting the region to all lowercase or uppercase.
static class BasicEditorKit.EmacsCaseWordAction
          The EmacsCaseWordAction is a base action for Emacs word-case action implementations.
static class BasicEditorKit.EmacsDeleteHorizontalSpaceAction
          The EmacsDeleteHorizontalSpaceAction is the action for deleting all spaces and tabs surrounding the current cursor position.
static class BasicEditorKit.EmacsDowncaseWordAction
          The EmacsDowncaseWordAction is the action for converting from the current position to the next end of a word to all lowercase.
static class BasicEditorKit.EmacsEndAction
          The EmacsEndAction implementation of the action for marking the current caret position, and moving the caret to the end of the buffer.
static class BasicEditorKit.EmacsExchangePointMarkAction
          The EmacsExchangePointMarkAction implementation of the action for exchanging the point (current caret position) and an Emacs-style mark in the editor.
static class BasicEditorKit.EmacsKillLineAction
          The EmacsKillLineAction implementation of the action for killing the line and adding or appending it to the Emacs kill ring.
static class BasicEditorKit.EmacsKillRegionAction
          The EmacsKillRegionAction implementation of the action for killing the region (or doing a kill-ring-save) between the point and mark and adding or appending it to the Emacs kill ring.
static class BasicEditorKit.EmacsKillTypeAction
          The EmacsKillTypeAction is a base action for all Emacs kill-type action implementations.
static class BasicEditorKit.EmacsKillWordAction
          The EmacsKillWordAction implementation of the action for killing until the next start of a word and adding or appending it to the Emacs kill ring.
static class BasicEditorKit.EmacsMarkBufferAction
          The EmacsMarkBufferAction implementation of the action for marking the end of the buffer, and moving the caret to the start of the buffer.
static class BasicEditorKit.EmacsSetMarkAction
          The EmacsSetMarkAction implementation of the action for setting an Emacs-style mark in the editor.
static class BasicEditorKit.EmacsUpcaseWordAction
          The EmacsUpcaseWordAction is the action for converting from the current position to the next end of a word to all uppercase.
static class BasicEditorKit.EmacsYankAction
          The EmacsYankAction implementation of the action for yanking or popping the text from the kill-ring.
static class BasicEditorKit.EndAction
          The EndAction implementation of the action for moving the caret to the begining of the document, possibly extending the selection.
static class BasicEditorKit.EndLineAction
          The EndLineAction implementation of the action for moving the caret to the end of a line, possibly extending the selection.
static class BasicEditorKit.EndWordAction
          The EndWordAction implementation of the action for moving the caret to the end of a word, possibly extending the selection.
static class BasicEditorKit.ForwardAction
          The ForwardAction implementation of the action for moving the caret logically forward one position, possibly extending the selection.
static class BasicEditorKit.GotoMatchingBraceAction
          The GotoMatchingBraceAction implementation of the action to move the cursor to the matching brace (if brace matching is available.)
static class BasicEditorKit.InsertBreakAction
          The InsertBreakAction implementation of the action to place a line/paragraph break into the document.
static class BasicEditorKit.InsertTabAction
          The InsertTabAction implementation of the action to place a tab character into the document.
static class BasicEditorKit.MacroRecorderAction
          The MacroRecorderAction implementation of the action for both playing back a recorded macro as well as for toggling macro recording on and off.
static class BasicEditorKit.NavigateAction
          The NavigateAction just takes care of storing whether selection is performed or not.
static class BasicEditorKit.NextWordAction
          The NextWordAction implementation of the action for moving the caret to the next occurrence of a word start or end, possibly extending the selection.
static class BasicEditorKit.NOPAction
          The NOPAction implementation of a placeholder action.
static class BasicEditorKit.OpenLineAction
          The OpenLineAction implementation of the action for inserting a new line to the right of the current caret position.
static class BasicEditorKit.PageDownAction
          The PageDownAction implementation of the action to page down vertically, and possibly move the selection.
static class BasicEditorKit.PageUpAction
          The PageUpAction implementation of the action to page up vertically, and possibly move the selection.
static class BasicEditorKit.PasteAction
          The PasteAction implementation of the action to paste the contents of the system clipboard into the selected region, or before the caret if nothing is selected.
static class BasicEditorKit.PreviousWordAction
          The PreviousWordAction implementation of the action for moving the caret to the previous occurrence of a word start or end, possibly extending the selection.
static class BasicEditorKit.ReadOnlyAction
          The ReadOnlyAction implementation of the action to set the editor into read-only mode.
static class BasicEditorKit.RecenterLineAction
          The RecenterLineAction implementation of the action for recentering the line the caret is on vertically on screen.
static class BasicEditorKit.ReverseTabAction
          The ReverseTabAction implementation of the action to move the caret backwards to the previous tab stop.
static class BasicEditorKit.ScrollLineDownAction
          The ScrollLineDownAction implementation of the action for scrolling the window down by one line (which moves the content upwards.)
static class BasicEditorKit.ScrollLineUpAction
          The ScrollLineUpAction implementation of the action for scrolling the window up by one line (which moves the content downwards.)
static class BasicEditorKit.ScrollPageDownAction
          The ScrollPageDownAction implementation of the action for scrolling the window down by one page (moving content up.)
static class BasicEditorKit.ScrollPageUpAction
          The ScrollPageUpAction implementation of the action for scrolling the window up by one page (moving content down.)
static class BasicEditorKit.SelectAllAction
          The SelectAllAction implementation of the action for selecting the entire document.
static class BasicEditorKit.SelectLineAction
          The SelectLineAction implementation of the action for selecting a line around the caret.
static class BasicEditorKit.SelectWordAction
          The SelectWordAction implementation of the action for selecting a word around the caret.
static class BasicEditorKit.SetLocalTabSizeAction
          The SetLocalTabSizeAction implementation of the action to set the tab size of the current editor locally to the specified amount.
static class BasicEditorKit.SortSelectedLines
          The SortSelectedLinesAction implementation of the action for sorting the selected lines.
static class BasicEditorKit.TabifyAction
          The TabifyAction implementation of the action for converting leading spaces of a line to tabs if possible, preserving the ending column of the first non-whitespace of the line.
static class BasicEditorKit.ToggleCommentsAction
          The ToggleCommentsAction implementation of the action for toggling the current line or selected lines between as commented or uncommented using the language's single-line comments (if defined.)
static class BasicEditorKit.ToggleInsertModeAction
          The ToggleInsertModeAction implementation of the action for toggling between insert and overwrite mode.
static class BasicEditorKit.TransposeCharsAction
          The TransposeCharsAction implementation of the action for transposing two adjacent characters.
static class BasicEditorKit.UnselectAction
          The UnselectAction implementation of the action for for removing selection.
static class BasicEditorKit.UntabifyAction
          The UntabifyAction implementation of the action for converting all hard tabs to spaces, adding enough spaces to preserve column positions of non-whitespace characters.
static class BasicEditorKit.UpAction
          The UpAction implementation of the action for moving the caret logically up one position, possibly extending the selection.
static class BasicEditorKit.WritableAction
          The WritableAction implementation of the action to set the editor into writeable mode.
Nested classes inherited from class javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
backwardAction, beepAction, beginAction, beginLineAction, beginParagraphAction, beginWordAction, copyAction, cutAction, defaultKeyTypedAction, deleteNextCharAction, deletePrevCharAction, downAction, endAction, endLineAction, EndOfLineStringProperty, endParagraphAction, endWordAction, forwardAction, insertBreakAction, insertContentAction, insertTabAction, nextWordAction, pageDownAction, pageUpAction, pasteAction, previousWordAction, readOnlyAction, selectAllAction, selectionBackwardAction, selectionBeginAction, selectionBeginLineAction, selectionBeginParagraphAction, selectionBeginWordAction, selectionDownAction, selectionEndAction, selectionEndLineAction, selectionEndParagraphAction, selectionEndWordAction, selectionForwardAction, selectionNextWordAction, selectionPreviousWordAction, selectionUpAction, selectLineAction, selectParagraphAction, selectWordAction, upAction, writableAction
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new BasicEditorKit.
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object clone()
          Creates a copy of the editor kit.
 javax.swing.text.View create(javax.swing.text.Element elem)
          Creates a view from the given structural element of a document.
 javax.swing.text.Caret createCaret()
          Fetches a caret that can navigate through views produced by the associated ViewFactory.
 javax.swing.text.Document createDefaultDocument()
          Creates an uninitialized text storage model appropriate for this type of editor.
 javax.swing.Action findAction(java.lang.String actionKey)
          Fetches an instance of the Action corresponding to the given actionKey.
 javax.swing.Action[] getActions()
          Fetches the command list for the editor.
 java.lang.String getContentType()
          Gets the MIME type of the data that this kit represents support for.
 javax.swing.text.ViewFactory getViewFactory()
          Fetches a factory that is suitable for producing views which work with the document models supported by this kit.
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
read, read, write, write
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.text.EditorKit
deinstall, install
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BasicEditorKit()
Constructs a new BasicEditorKit.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getContentType()
Gets the MIME type of the data that this kit represents support for.

MIME type of data content this kit supports


public java.lang.Object clone()
Creates a copy of the editor kit.

the copy


public javax.swing.text.Caret createCaret()
Fetches a caret that can navigate through views produced by the associated ViewFactory.

the caret


public javax.swing.text.Document createDefaultDocument()
Creates an uninitialized text storage model appropriate for this type of editor. This editor kit uses a BasicDocument for its storage model to avoid the overhead of the line element structures.

the document model


public final javax.swing.text.ViewFactory getViewFactory()
Fetches a factory that is suitable for producing views which work with the document models supported by this kit.

the view factory


public javax.swing.text.View create(javax.swing.text.Element elem)
Creates a view from the given structural element of a document. This kit acts as a ViewFactory for the BasicDocument model - the only available view is the BasicView which understands the RootElement used by the document.

Specified by:
create in interface javax.swing.text.ViewFactory
elem - the piece of the document to build a view of
the view


public javax.swing.Action[] getActions()
Fetches the command list for the editor. This is the list of commands supported by this editor kit through the default Keymap mechanism. Most of the rest of commands are supported through the extended keymap mechanism implemented by MultiKeymap and MultiKeyHandler classes.

the command list
See Also:
MultiKeymap, MultiKeyHandler


public javax.swing.Action findAction(java.lang.String actionKey)
Fetches an instance of the Action corresponding to the given actionKey.

actionKey - the published key for the action
an instance of the Action

Extension SDK


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