Extension SDK 10.1.2

Class BasicDocument

  extended byoracle.javatools.editor.BasicDocument
All Implemented Interfaces:
javax.swing.text.Document, java.util.EventListener, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener, TextBufferListener

public class BasicDocument
extends java.lang.Object
implements javax.swing.text.Document, TextBufferListener, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener

A BasicDocument is an implementation of the Document interface, similar to "PlainDocument" without the extra overhead of the Element structures for maintaining line number information, and with a different text buffer implementation. This document does not maintain any attribute information currently.

Each BasicDocument instance has an associated LanguageSupport that adds extra document support specific to a given document language, such as Java or HTML. The LanguageSupport for a document is set up using the provided filename through suffix mapping, or by explicitly setting the LanguageSupport by calling setLanguageSupport() with a LanguageSupport instance.

Like the Swing text document implementations, this document implementation provides support for UndoableEdit's. The document relies on the underlying TextBuffer for generating the UndoableEdit's. Note that UndoableEdit's are fired by this document only for edits initiated through this document. Edits performed on the TextBuffer directly apart from this document will not result in an UndoableEdit through this document.

Note that the compound edit support here in BasicDocument has been deprecated. Clients should use the edit support in BasicEditorPane instead, which also includes support for specifying an edit name (for display) and for saving caret position information with the UndoableEdit. Please refer for information regarding undo support.

Lastly, please note that this document implementation currently does not support composed or bidi text input due to the model changes to optimize memory use and performance. This is an open issue that will be addressed soon.

See Also:

Field Summary
static java.lang.String eolTypePropertyName
          public constant for the eol type property name.
static java.lang.String readOnlyPropertyName
          Public constant for the read only property name.
Fields inherited from interface javax.swing.text.Document
StreamDescriptionProperty, TitleProperty
Fields inherited from interface oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBufferListener
Constructor Summary
          Create a new default BasicDocument.
BasicDocument(java.lang.String fileName)
          Creates a plain text document - this uses the the default TextBuffer implementation as the underlying data model.
BasicDocument(java.lang.String fileName, TextBuffer buffer)
          Creates a plain text document using the buffer provider specified.
BasicDocument(TextBuffer buffer)
          Create a new BasicDocument using the provided buffer.
Method Summary
 void addDocumentListener(javax.swing.event.DocumentListener listener)
          Registers the given observer to begin receiving notifications when changes are made to the document.
 void addPropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)
          Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
 void addUndoableEditListener(javax.swing.event.UndoableEditListener listener)
          Registers the given observer to begin receiving notifications when undoable edits are made to the document.
 void attributeUpdate(int attribute)
          Provides notification regarding a change to one of the buffer attributes.
 void beginEdit()
          Deprecated. all edits (compound or otherwise) made to the document related to an editor pane should be initiated through BasicEditorPane.beginEdit()
 javax.swing.text.Position createPosition(int offset)
          This method allows an application to mark a place in a sequence of character content.
 void endEdit()
          Deprecated. all edits (compound or otherwise) made to the document related to an editor pane should be ended through BasicEditorPane.endEdit()
 void firePropertyChange(java.lang.String propertyName, java.lang.Object oldValue, java.lang.Object newValue)
          Report a bound property update to any registered listeners.
protected  void fireUndoableEditEvent(javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit edit)
          An internal utility routine to fire UndoableEdit events that are generated by this document to the undoable edit listeners.
protected  NumberRange getComposedTextRange()
          Fetch the current range of composed text input - this is generally uncommitted text.
 javax.swing.text.Element getDefaultRootElement()
          Fetches the default root element for this document.
 DocumentRenderer getDocumentRenderer()
          Fetches the document renderer from the language support for this document.
 javax.swing.text.Position getEndPosition()
          Returns a position that represents the end of the document.
 LanguageSupport getLanguageSupport()
          Fetches the LanguageSupport associated with this document.
 int getLength()
          Returns number of characters of data currently in the document.
 LineMap getLineMap()
          Fetches a line map for this document for calculating line positions.
 javax.swing.text.Element getParagraphElement(int pos)
          Get the paragraph element containing the given position.
 java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.Object key)
          Gets properties associated with the document.
 javax.swing.text.Element[] getRootElements()
          Returns all of the root elements that are defined.
 javax.swing.text.Position getStartPosition()
          Returns a position that represents the start of the document.
 java.lang.String getText(int offset, int length)
          Fetches the text contained within the given portion of the document.
 void getText(int offset, int length, javax.swing.text.Segment txt)
          Fetches the text contained within the given portion of the document.
 TextBuffer getTextBuffer()
          Fetches the underlying Content of this document.
 void insertString(int offset, java.lang.String str, javax.swing.text.AttributeSet set)
          Inserts a string into the document.
 void insertUpdate(int offset, int count, char[] insertedData)
          Provides notification about an insertion into the text buffer.
 void propertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent event)
          This method gets called when a bound property is changed.
 void putProperty(java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object value)
          Puts a new property on the list.
 void readLock()
          Attempts to acquire a read lock on this document and the underlying text buffer - this is a blocking call.
 void readUnlock()
          Releases a held read lock on this Document.
 void remove(int offset, int length)
          Removes a portion of the content of the document.
 void removeDocumentListener(javax.swing.event.DocumentListener listener)
          Unregisters the given observer from the notification list so it will no longer receive change updates.
 void removePropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)
          Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
 void removeUndoableEditListener(javax.swing.event.UndoableEditListener listener)
          Unregisters the given observer from the notification list so it will no longer receive updates.
 void removeUpdate(int offset, int count, char[] removedData)
          Provides notification about a removal from the text buffer.
 void render(java.lang.Runnable r)
          This allows the model to be safely rendered in the presence of currency, if the model supports being updated asynchronously.
 void setLanguageSupport(LanguageSupport support)
          Set the LanguageSupport used by this document to the specified one.
 void setLanguageSupport(java.lang.String fileName)
          Sets the LanguageSupport for editing the type of content indicated by the specified filename.
 void writeLock()
          Attempts to acquire a write lock on this document and the underlying text buffer - this is a blocking call.
 void writeUnlock()
          Releases a held write lock on this Document.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String readOnlyPropertyName
Public constant for the read only property name.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String eolTypePropertyName
public constant for the eol type property name.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public BasicDocument()
Create a new default BasicDocument.


public BasicDocument(java.lang.String fileName)
Creates a plain text document - this uses the the default TextBuffer implementation as the underlying data model.

fileName - the file name to use when creating a language support


public BasicDocument(java.lang.String fileName,
                     TextBuffer buffer)
Creates a plain text document using the buffer provider specified.

fileName - the file name to use when creating a language support
buffer - the text bufer to use as the document model


public BasicDocument(TextBuffer buffer)
Create a new BasicDocument using the provided buffer.

buffer - the text buffer to use as the document model
Method Detail


protected NumberRange getComposedTextRange()
Fetch the current range of composed text input - this is generally uncommitted text. This allows editor view renderers to paint the composed text with a visual indication that it is composed text.

a number range for the composed text range, if there is composed text


public TextBuffer getTextBuffer()
Fetches the underlying Content of this document.

the content


public void setLanguageSupport(java.lang.String fileName)
Sets the LanguageSupport for editing the type of content indicated by the specified filename.

fileName - the name of the file


public void setLanguageSupport(LanguageSupport support)
Set the LanguageSupport used by this document to the specified one.

support - the LanguageSupport to use


public LanguageSupport getLanguageSupport()
Fetches the LanguageSupport associated with this document.

the LanguageSupport


public DocumentRenderer getDocumentRenderer()
Fetches the document renderer from the language support for this document.

the DocumentRenderer


public void beginEdit()
Deprecated. all edits (compound or otherwise) made to the document related to an editor pane should be initiated through BasicEditorPane.beginEdit()

Used to instruct the document that it should begin a compound edit that should be fired as one single undoable edit. This relies on the UndoableEdit support of the underlying TextBuffer. If the edit involves a BasicEditorPane instance, use BasicEditorPane.beginEdit() instead so that caret information can also be preserved.

See Also:
TextBuffer.beginEdit(), TextBuffer.endEdit()


public void endEdit()
Deprecated. all edits (compound or otherwise) made to the document related to an editor pane should be ended through BasicEditorPane.endEdit()

Used to instruct the document that it should end an in progress compound edit and fire a single UndoableEdit representing all the (compound) changes made. This relies on the UndoableEdit support of the underlying TextBuffer.

See Also:
TextBuffer.beginEdit(), TextBuffer.endEdit()


public void readLock()
Attempts to acquire a read lock on this document and the underlying text buffer - this is a blocking call. Note that a call to readLock() must be matched by a call to readUnlock() even if nested within a writeLock()/writeUnlock(). This is to help guarantee correctness.

See Also:
ReadTextBuffer.readLock(), TextBuffer.writeLock()


public void readUnlock()
Releases a held read lock on this Document.


public void writeLock()
Attempts to acquire a write lock on this document and the underlying text buffer - this is a blocking call. Note that a call to writeLock() must be matched by a call to writeUnlock().

See Also:
ReadTextBuffer.readLock(), TextBuffer.writeLock()


public void writeUnlock()
Releases a held write lock on this Document.


public javax.swing.text.Element getParagraphElement(int pos)
Get the paragraph element containing the given position. This document uses only a single root/leaf element.

the paragraph element


public javax.swing.text.Element getDefaultRootElement()
Fetches the default root element for this document. This document uses only a single root/leaf element.

Specified by:
getDefaultRootElement in interface javax.swing.text.Document
the document's line map


public LineMap getLineMap()
Fetches a line map for this document for calculating line positions.

the document's line map


public int getLength()
Returns number of characters of data currently in the document.

Specified by:
getLength in interface javax.swing.text.Document
number of characters >= 0


public void remove(int offset,
                   int length)
            throws javax.swing.text.BadLocationException
Removes a portion of the content of the document. This will cause a DocumentEvent of type DocumentEvent.EventType.REMOVE to be sent to the registered DocumentListeners, unless an exception is thrown. The notification will be sent to the listeners by calling the removeUpdate method on the DocumentListeners.

Specified by:
remove in interface javax.swing.text.Document
offset - the offset from the begining >= 0
length - the number of characters to remove >= 0
javax.swing.text.BadLocationException - some portion of the removal range was not a valid part of the document. The location in the exception is the first bad position encountered.


public void insertString(int offset,
                         java.lang.String str,
                         javax.swing.text.AttributeSet set)
                  throws javax.swing.text.BadLocationException
Inserts a string into the document. This causes a DocumentEvent of type DocumentEvent.EventType.INSERT to be sent to registered DocumentListeners. The offset and length of the generated DocumentEvent will indicate what change was actually made to the Document. An UndoableEditEvent will also be generated.

Specified by:
insertString in interface javax.swing.text.Document
offset - the offset into the document to insert the content >= 0. All positions that track change at or after the given location will move.
str - the string to insert
set - the attributes to associate with the inserted content. This may be null if there are no attributes.
javax.swing.text.BadLocationException - the given insert position is not a valid position within the document


public java.lang.String getText(int offset,
                                int length)
                         throws javax.swing.text.BadLocationException
Fetches the text contained within the given portion of the document.

Specified by:
getText in interface javax.swing.text.Document
offset - the offset into the document representing the desired start of the text >= 0
length - the length of the desired string >= 0
the text, in a String of length >= 0
javax.swing.text.BadLocationException - some portion of the given range was not a valid part of the document. The location in the exception is the first bad position encountered.


public void getText(int offset,
                    int length,
                    javax.swing.text.Segment txt)
             throws javax.swing.text.BadLocationException
Fetches the text contained within the given portion of the document.

Specified by:
getText in interface javax.swing.text.Document
offset - the offset into the document representing the desired start of the text >= 0
length - the length of the desired string >= 0
txt - the Segment object to return the text in
javax.swing.text.BadLocationException - Some portion of the given range was not a valid part of the document. The location in the exception is the first bad position encountered.


public javax.swing.text.Position getStartPosition()
Returns a position that represents the start of the document. The position returned can be counted on to track change and stay located at the beginning of the document.

Specified by:
getStartPosition in interface javax.swing.text.Document
the position


public javax.swing.text.Position getEndPosition()
Returns a position that represents the end of the document. The position returned can be counted on to track change and stay located at the end of the document.

Specified by:
getEndPosition in interface javax.swing.text.Document
the position


public javax.swing.text.Position createPosition(int offset)
                                         throws javax.swing.text.BadLocationException
This method allows an application to mark a place in a sequence of character content. This mark can then be used to tracks change as insertions and removals are made in the content. The policy is that insertions always occur prior to the current position (the most common case) unless the insertion location is zero, in which case the insertion is forced to a position that follows the original position.

Specified by:
createPosition in interface javax.swing.text.Document
offset - the offset from the start of the document >= 0
the position
javax.swing.text.BadLocationException - if the given position does not represent a valid location in the associated document


public javax.swing.text.Element[] getRootElements()
Returns all of the root elements that are defined.

Specified by:
getRootElements in interface javax.swing.text.Document
the root element


public void render(java.lang.Runnable r)
This allows the model to be safely rendered in the presence of currency, if the model supports being updated asynchronously. The given runnable will be executed in a way that allows it to safely read the model with no changes while the runnable is being executed. The runnable itself may not make any mutations.

Specified by:
render in interface javax.swing.text.Document
r - a Runnable used to render the model


public void addDocumentListener(javax.swing.event.DocumentListener listener)
Registers the given observer to begin receiving notifications when changes are made to the document.

Specified by:
addDocumentListener in interface javax.swing.text.Document
listener - the observer to register
See Also:


public void removeDocumentListener(javax.swing.event.DocumentListener listener)
Unregisters the given observer from the notification list so it will no longer receive change updates.

Specified by:
removeDocumentListener in interface javax.swing.text.Document
listener - the observer to register
See Also:


public void addUndoableEditListener(javax.swing.event.UndoableEditListener listener)
Registers the given observer to begin receiving notifications when undoable edits are made to the document.

Specified by:
addUndoableEditListener in interface javax.swing.text.Document
listener - the observer to register
See Also:


public void removeUndoableEditListener(javax.swing.event.UndoableEditListener listener)
Unregisters the given observer from the notification list so it will no longer receive updates.

Specified by:
removeUndoableEditListener in interface javax.swing.text.Document
listener - the observer to register
See Also:


public void propertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent event)
This method gets called when a bound property is changed.

Specified by:
propertyChange in interface java.beans.PropertyChangeListener
event - A PropertyChangeEvent object describing the event source and the property that has changed.


public void addPropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)
Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list. The listener is registered for all properties.

listener - The PropertyChangeListener to be added


public void removePropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)
Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list. This removes a PropertyChangeListener that was registered for all properties.

listener - The PropertyChangeListener to be removed


public void firePropertyChange(java.lang.String propertyName,
                               java.lang.Object oldValue,
                               java.lang.Object newValue)
Report a bound property update to any registered listeners. No event is fired if old and new are equal and non-null.

propertyName - The programmatic name of the property that was changed.
oldValue - The old value of the property.
newValue - The new value of the property.


public java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.Object key)
Gets properties associated with the document. Allows one to store things like the document title, author, etc.

Specified by:
getProperty in interface javax.swing.text.Document
key - a non-null property
the properties


public void putProperty(java.lang.Object key,
                        java.lang.Object value)
Puts a new property on the list.

Specified by:
putProperty in interface javax.swing.text.Document
key - the non-null property key
value - the property public


protected void fireUndoableEditEvent(javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit edit)
An internal utility routine to fire UndoableEdit events that are generated by this document to the undoable edit listeners.

edit - the UndoableEdit generated


public void insertUpdate(int offset,
                         int count,
                         char[] insertedData)
Provides notification about an insertion into the text buffer.

Specified by:
insertUpdate in interface TextBufferListener
offset - the offset where the insert took place
count - the number of characters inserted (insertedData.length)
insertedData - the contents of the insertion


public void removeUpdate(int offset,
                         int count,
                         char[] removedData)
Provides notification about a removal from the text buffer.

Specified by:
removeUpdate in interface TextBufferListener
offset - the offset where the removal took place
count - the number of characters removed (removedData.length)
removedData - the contents of the removal


public void attributeUpdate(int attribute)
Provides notification regarding a change to one of the buffer attributes. The possible attributes are defined in this interface.

Specified by:
attributeUpdate in interface TextBufferListener
attribute - the attribute that changed

Extension SDK


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