Extension SDK 10.1.2

Uses of Package

Packages that use oracle.javatools.editor
oracle.javatools.editor The Editor package is a basic framework for an editor component with syntax highlighting capabilities, built on top of the Swing text framework. 
oracle.javatools.editor.gutter The Line Gutter package is a subset of the Editor package, and contains API for working with a Gutter associated with an editor pane. 
oracle.javatools.editor.highlight The Highlights package is a subset of the Editor package, and contains API's for creating, maintaining, and applying colored background highlights to regions of text in an editor pane. 
oracle.javatools.editor.insight The Code Insight package is a subset of the Editor package, and is the starting base for a code insight implementation to provide the user with code assistance features. 
oracle.javatools.editor.language The Language package is a subset of the Editor package, and is the framework for extending the editor with color syntax highlighting, brace matching, and other language or content-specific editing features. 
oracle.javatools.editor.plugins The Plugins package is a subset of the Editor package, and is one way to extend the functionality of an editor pane. 
oracle.javatools.editor.print The Print package is a subset of the Editor package, and contains a basic Pageable implementation for printing out the contents of a BasicDocument. 
oracle.javatools.editor.underline The Underline package is a subset of the Editor package, and contains API's for creating, mainting, and applying underlines to regions of text in the editor pane. 
oracle.jdeveloper.ceditor The Code Editor package contains the code editing implementation of the JDeveloper IDE. 

Classes in oracle.javatools.editor used by oracle.javatools.editor
          An ActionHookInvoker is an interface to a class that is responsible for performing some set of actions.
          An ActionInvoker is an interface to a class which is responsible for executing actions that operate on an editor component or document.
          The ActionPostInvoker is used to listen for completed editor actions immediately after they complete - this gives plugins a chance to do some subsequent, such as formatting after inserting a new line.
          The BasicAction is an abstract class that all editor actions should extend from.
          A BasicDocument is an implementation of the Document interface, similar to "PlainDocument" without the extra overhead of the Element structures for maintaining line number information, and with a different text buffer implementation.
          The BlockIndentOutdentAction implementation of the action for performing a block indent or block outdent.
          The EmacsCaseWordAction is a base action for Emacs word-case action implementations.
          The EmacsKillTypeAction is a base action for all Emacs kill-type action implementations.
          The NavigateAction just takes care of storing whether selection is performed or not.
          A BasicEditorPane is an extension of the JEditorPane to provide more flexible syntax and background highlighting functionality at a reduced memory and performance footprint.
          The CharacterTypedListener interface should be implemented by observers interested in receiving notifications of characters typed into the editor pane.
          The EditDescriptor is used to describe an edit operation that is undoable.
          An EditorProperties class provides a global registry for properties which affect all documents and editor panes of this package.
          The EmacsAction is an abstract class that all Emacs actions should extend from.
          A FeedbackManager is an interface used for different editor plugins or sub-components to display text feedback to a user.
          The FontHelper class is used for caching all style variations of a single font, such as plain or bold, from a single family and font size.
          A PopupManager is an interface for the editor component to inform the editor client to show or hide a context-sensitive popup menu in response to a user's request.
          The ToolTipProvider is an interface for the editor component to ask the editor client for an appropriate tooltip to display based on the given location of the mouse event.

Classes in oracle.javatools.editor used by oracle.javatools.editor.gutter
          A BasicEditorPane is an extension of the JEditorPane to provide more flexible syntax and background highlighting functionality at a reduced memory and performance footprint.

Classes in oracle.javatools.editor used by oracle.javatools.editor.highlight
          A BasicEditorPane is an extension of the JEditorPane to provide more flexible syntax and background highlighting functionality at a reduced memory and performance footprint.

Classes in oracle.javatools.editor used by oracle.javatools.editor.insight
          An ActionHookInvoker is an interface to a class that is responsible for performing some set of actions.
          A BasicDocument is an implementation of the Document interface, similar to "PlainDocument" without the extra overhead of the Element structures for maintaining line number information, and with a different text buffer implementation.
          A BasicEditorPane is an extension of the JEditorPane to provide more flexible syntax and background highlighting functionality at a reduced memory and performance footprint.
          The CharacterTypedListener interface should be implemented by observers interested in receiving notifications of characters typed into the editor pane.

Classes in oracle.javatools.editor used by oracle.javatools.editor.language
          A BasicDocument is an implementation of the Document interface, similar to "PlainDocument" without the extra overhead of the Element structures for maintaining line number information, and with a different text buffer implementation.
          The BasicDocumentEvent just supplements the existing Swing DocumentEvent class with extra information that is used for damage calculation purposes.
          A BasicEditorPane is an extension of the JEditorPane to provide more flexible syntax and background highlighting functionality at a reduced memory and performance footprint.

Classes in oracle.javatools.editor used by oracle.javatools.editor.plugins
          An ActionHookInvoker is an interface to a class that is responsible for performing some set of actions.
          A BasicCaret extends the DefaultCaret to modify the default behavior about the visibility of the selection, and other extra features.
          A BasicDocument is an implementation of the Document interface, similar to "PlainDocument" without the extra overhead of the Element structures for maintaining line number information, and with a different text buffer implementation.
          A BasicEditorPane is an extension of the JEditorPane to provide more flexible syntax and background highlighting functionality at a reduced memory and performance footprint.
          The EditDescriptor is used to describe an edit operation that is undoable.
          A FeedbackManager is an interface used for different editor plugins or sub-components to display text feedback to a user.

Classes in oracle.javatools.editor used by oracle.javatools.editor.print
          A BasicDocument is an implementation of the Document interface, similar to "PlainDocument" without the extra overhead of the Element structures for maintaining line number information, and with a different text buffer implementation.

Classes in oracle.javatools.editor used by oracle.javatools.editor.underline
          A BasicEditorPane is an extension of the JEditorPane to provide more flexible syntax and background highlighting functionality at a reduced memory and performance footprint.

Classes in oracle.javatools.editor used by oracle.jdeveloper.ceditor
          A BasicDocument is an implementation of the Document interface, similar to "PlainDocument" without the extra overhead of the Element structures for maintaining line number information, and with a different text buffer implementation.
          A BasicEditorPane is an extension of the JEditorPane to provide more flexible syntax and background highlighting functionality at a reduced memory and performance footprint.
          The EditDescriptor is used to describe an edit operation that is undoable.
          A FeedbackManager is an interface used for different editor plugins or sub-components to display text feedback to a user.
          A PopupManager is an interface for the editor component to inform the editor client to show or hide a context-sensitive popup menu in response to a user's request.
          The ToolTipProvider is an interface for the editor component to ask the editor client for an appropriate tooltip to display based on the given location of the mouse event.

Extension SDK


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