Extension SDK 10.1.2

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ActionInvoker
oracle.javatools.editor The Editor package is a basic framework for an editor component with syntax highlighting capabilities, built on top of the Swing text framework. 

Uses of ActionInvoker in oracle.javatools.editor

Classes in oracle.javatools.editor that implement ActionInvoker
 class BasicEditorPane
          A BasicEditorPane is an extension of the JEditorPane to provide more flexible syntax and background highlighting functionality at a reduced memory and performance footprint.

Methods in oracle.javatools.editor that return ActionInvoker
 ActionInvoker BasicCaret.getActionInvoker()
          Fetches the action invoker to use to execute some particular action.
 ActionInvoker BasicEditorPane.getActionInvoker()
          Fetches the action invoker to use to execute some particular action.

Extension SDK


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