Extension SDK 10.1.2

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Document
oracle.ide Contains classes that allow addins access to the IDE integration objects. 
oracle.ide.addin Contains classes and interfaces that are used by addins to extend JDeveloper with their own views and wizards. 
oracle.ide.cmd Contains classes implementing several JDeveloper commands. 
oracle.ide.cmd.buffer Contains command class implementations and static utility methods that can be used by Addins to modify the contents of a text-based IDE document in an undoable manner. 
oracle.ide.editor Contains classes and interfaces that allow addins to add their own specialized editors to JDeveloper. 
oracle.ide.explorer Contains the interfaces and classes addins use to provide a structured view of data contained in nodes displayed in a navigator or an editor. 
oracle.ide.gallery Contains classes implementing JDeveloper's new object gallery. 
oracle.ide.inspector Contains interfaces and classes that integrators may use to make their objects editable from the property inspector. 
oracle.ide.layout Contains interfaces and classes addins can implement or extend to provide preferred layouts for their own specialized editors. 
oracle.ide.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing JDeveloper's data model. 
oracle.ide.panels Provides a framework for building panel-based UI. 
oracle.ide.runner Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the IDE runner system. 
oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service The API classes for invoking Audit programatically, and a few Audit common API classes. 
oracle.jdeveloper.cm.dt Contains the base design-time API for integrating database and application server connections within JDeveloper. 
oracle.jdeveloper.compiler Contains classes that allow addins to integrate their own build system translator. 
oracle.jdeveloper.library The Libraries package provides the library API used by JDeveloper. 
oracle.jdeveloper.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing the Java specific portions of JDeveloper's data model. 
oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi Contains extension-level service provider interfaces for version control system integraton. 
oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util Contains assorted stateless utilities for version control system integraton. 

Uses of Document in oracle.ide

Constructors in oracle.ide with parameters of type Document
IdeContext(Document document)

Uses of Document in oracle.ide.addin

Fields in oracle.ide.addin declared as Document
protected  Document DefaultContext._doc
protected  Document AbstractPinnable.document

Methods in oracle.ide.addin that return Document
 Document DefaultContext.getDocument()
 Document[] Command.getAffectedDocuments()
          For commands of the NORMAL and NO_UNDO this method should return an array of documents affected by the execution of this command.
 Document[] AbstractCommand.getAffectedDocuments()
 Document Context.getDocument()
          Gets the document that owns the selection.

Methods in oracle.ide.addin with parameters of type Document
 void DefaultContext.setDocument(Document document)
 void Context.setDocument(Document document)
          Sets the document that owns the selection.

Constructors in oracle.ide.addin with parameters of type Document
DefaultContext(Document doc)
DefaultContext(View view, Workspace workspace, Project project, Element[] selection, Document doc, Element elem)

Uses of Document in oracle.ide.cmd

Methods in oracle.ide.cmd that return Document
 Document RenameMessage.getRenamedDocument()
          Get the renamed document.
 Document RenameMessage.getRemovedDocument()
          Get the document being removed because the rename caused the creation of a new node.
 Document RenameMessage.getNewDocument()
          Get the new document created when an existing one was renamed.
 Document[] RemoveFileCommand.getAffectedDocuments()
 Document[] CloseNodeCommand.getAffectedDocuments()
          Returns an array of the documents closed.

Methods in oracle.ide.cmd with parameters of type Document
protected  boolean SaveAsCommand.saveFileDlgOK(Context context, Document doc, java.lang.String dialogTitle)
protected  int SaveAsCommand.convertToNewNode(Document doc)
          Rename with node conversion.
protected  int SaveAsCommand.handleDocumentOwnership(Document doc, Node node, java.net.URL oldURL)
          This method handles adding/removing/replacing the document from it's owner Subclasses of the command may need to handle ownership differently (eg, RenameCommand should do something different from SaveAsCommand).
protected  int SaveAsCommand.convertToDupNode(Document doc)
protected  int SaveAsCommand.saveAsNewNode(Document doc)
          The specified doc is being saved as a different name in addition to the name it already has.
protected  int SaveAsCommand.saveDocument(Document doc)
protected  int SaveAsCommand.saveAsDupNode(Document doc)
          There is already a node in the cache with the new url.
static void RenameMessage.fireChildRenamed(Subject subject, java.net.URL oldURL, Document doc, Context context)
          Case 1) Child rename notification.
static void RenameMessage.fireObjectRenamed(Subject subject, java.net.URL oldURL, Document doc, Document duplicate, Context context)
          Case 2) Object renamed notification.
static void RenameMessage.fireChildRenamed(Subject subject, java.net.URL oldURL, Document doc, Document duplicate, Context context)
          Case 2) Child renamed notification.
static void RenameMessage.fireObjectRenamed(Document doc, java.net.URL oldURL, Document node, Context context)
          Case 3) Object renamed notification.
static void RenameMessage.fireChildRenamed(Subject subject, Document doc, java.net.URL oldURL, Document node, Context context)
          Case 3) Child renamed notification.
protected  int RenameCommand.saveDocument(Document doc)
protected  int RenameCommand.saveAsNewNode(Document doc)
          The specified doc is being renamed.
protected  int RenameCommand.handleDocumentOwnership(Document doc, Node node, java.net.URL oldURL)
protected  boolean RemoveFromDiskCommand.remove(Document document, Folder owner)
protected  int EditorSaveAsCommand.saveAsNewNode(Document doc)
protected  int EditorSaveAsCommand.convertToNewNode(Document doc)
protected  int EditorSaveAsCommand.convertToDupNode(Document doc)
protected  int EditorSaveAsCommand.saveAsDupNode(Document doc)
protected  boolean RemoveFileCommand.remove(Document element, Folder owner)
          Removes element from owner.
 int CloseNodeCommand.close(Document node, boolean uncache, boolean removeUnsavedNode)
          Close the specified node.
 int CloseNodeCommand.close(Document node)
          Close the specified document.

Uses of Document in oracle.ide.cmd.buffer

Methods in oracle.ide.cmd.buffer with parameters of type Document
static void EditProcessor.doInsert(char[] insertData, int insertOffset, Document document, boolean isUndoable, java.lang.String editName, java.lang.Object origin)
          Utility routine to perform a single insert in the document.
static void EditProcessor.doRemove(int removeOffset, int removeCount, Document document, boolean isUndoable, java.lang.String editName, java.lang.Object origin)
          Utility routine to perform a single remove in the document.
static void EditProcessor.doReplace(char[] replaceData, int replaceStartOffset, int replaceEndOffset, Document document, boolean isUndoable, java.lang.String editName, java.lang.Object origin)
          Utility routine to perform a single replace in the document with the specified replace data.
static void EditProcessor.doReplaceAll(char[] replaceData, Document document, boolean isUndoable, java.lang.String editName, java.lang.Object origin)
          Utility routine to perform a replace all in the document with the new contents.
static void EditProcessor.doEdit(Edit edit, Document document, java.lang.Object origin)
          Utility routine to invoke the specified edit for the given document as a command.

Uses of Document in oracle.ide.editor

Methods in oracle.ide.editor that return Document
 Document[] AbstractEditor.getDependentDocuments()
          Editors which access or manipulate more than one document must return these documents using this method.
 Document[] Editor.getDependentDocuments()
          Editors which access or manipulate more than one document must return these documents using this method.

Uses of Document in oracle.ide.explorer

Fields in oracle.ide.explorer declared as Document
protected  Document AbstractExplorer.defaultDocument

Uses of Document in oracle.ide.gallery

Classes in oracle.ide.gallery that implement Document
 class GalleryXMLDataNode
          XMLDataContainer subclass for the Object Gallery.

Uses of Document in oracle.ide.inspector

Methods in oracle.ide.inspector that return Document
 Document[] PropertySetCommand.getAffectedDocuments()
          Get the collection of any other Document instances that are affected by this Command.

Uses of Document in oracle.ide.layout

Subinterfaces of Document in oracle.ide.layout
 interface Layout
          Layout interface.

Classes in oracle.ide.layout that implement Document
 class BaseLayout
          BaseLayout class.
 class IdeLayout
          IdeLayout class.
 class IdeProperties
          The IdeProperties class is reponsible for managing the general layout information, such as the size and position of the main application window and the opened editor frames for example.
 class SimpleLayout
          Simple layout information.

Methods in oracle.ide.layout that return Document
static Document AbstractLayoutListener.getDocument(java.lang.String urlProp, PropertyAccess layout, boolean always)
          Get the document whose url is stored in the specified layout under the given urlProp.
static Document AbstractLayoutListener.getDocument(java.lang.String urlProp, Layout layout)
          Get the document whose url is stored in the specified layout under the given urlProp.

Uses of Document in oracle.ide.model

Subinterfaces of Document in oracle.ide.model
 interface Container
          The Container interface specifies the protocol between the IDE and objects which can contain other Nodes, including other Containers.
 interface Node
 interface TextDocument
          The TextDocument extends the Document interface by providing the way for a (code) editor to access the data in this text document using a Content interface.
 interface WorkEnvironment

Classes in oracle.ide.model that implement Document
 class DataContainer
 class DataNode
 class DefaultContainer
          The DefaultContainer class is a default implementation of the Container interface.
 class DefaultDocument
          The DefaultDocument class is a default implementation of the Document interface.
 class DefaultNode
          The DefaultNode class is a default implementation of the Node interface.
 class DeployableTextNode
          Trivial subclass of TextNode that has the ElementAttributes#DEPLYOABLE attribute set.
 class IdeSystem
          This a new class that is under development to replace IdeSystem.
 class MiscellaneousFolder
 class Project
          This is the base class for all data classes that represent a user project.
 class PropertiesContainer
          This is a complete implementation of the Container interface that uses a single HashMap to hold all of its data and an ArrayList to hold its children.
 class PropertiesNode
          This is a complete implementation of the Node interface that uses a single HashMap to hold all of its data.
 class TextNode
          The TextNode class extends DefaultNodeand should be used for all objects that can be opened as a text file inside a code editor.
 class Workspace
          This a new class that is under development to replace Workspace.
 class XMLDataContainer
          The XMLDataContainer is the Container wrapper for a Folder-implementing JavaBean that can be persisted to XML using the XML marshalling framework in oracle.ide.marshal.xml.
 class XMLDataNode
          The XMLDataNode class is the Node wrapper for a JavaBean class that can be persisted to XML using the XML marshalling framework Object2Dom.

Uses of Document in oracle.ide.panels

Constructors in oracle.ide.panels with parameters of type Document
TDialogLauncher(java.awt.Component parent, java.lang.String title, Traversable traversable, Namespace data, DialogRunnerCallback dialogCallback, Document[] sources)
          The traversable's onEntry(...) method is called as a side effect of constructing the TDialogLauncher.

Uses of Document in oracle.ide.runner

Methods in oracle.ide.runner that return Document
static Document RunProcess.getContextDocumentForRun(Context context)
          Returns the Document for the given Context.

Methods in oracle.ide.runner with parameters of type Document
 boolean SmartDataProvider.canUnderstand(Document document)

Uses of Document in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service with parameters of type Document
abstract  boolean Auditor.addElement(Element element, Document document, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Adds the location corresponding to an Element to the set of locations to be audited.
abstract  int Auditor.addElements(Element[] elements, Document document, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Adds the locations corresponding to an array of Elements to the set of locations to be audited.

Uses of Document in oracle.jdeveloper.cm.dt

Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.cm.dt that implement Document
 class ConnectionNode
          The ConnectionNode class is the base class for all representations of Database Connections
 class DatabaseConnectionNode
 class DatabaseEditorNode
 class Oc4jConnectionNode

Uses of Document in oracle.jdeveloper.compiler

Fields in oracle.jdeveloper.compiler declared as Document
 Document IdeStorage.document

Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.compiler with parameters of type Document
IdeStorage(Document document)

Uses of Document in oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.utils

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.utils with parameters of type Document
static void JSPTagUtils.insertTaglib(java.lang.String uri, java.lang.String prefix, Document document)
static void JSPTagUtils.insertTaglib(java.lang.String taglib, Document document)
static void JSPTagUtils.insertTaglib(oracle.ideimpl.palette.model.Jsplibrary jspLib, Context context, Document document)
static void JSPTagUtils.insertAtPosition(java.lang.String tag, int position, Document document)

Uses of Document in oracle.jdeveloper.library

Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.library that implement Document
 class JLibraryList

Uses of Document in oracle.jdeveloper.model

Subinterfaces of Document in oracle.jdeveloper.model
 interface JavaNode
          The JavaNode interface represents a Java class element in the JDeveloper browser.

Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.model that implement Document
 class GifImageNode
          Node subclass for .gif image files.
 class ImageNode
          Node subclass for image files.
 class JavaClassNode
          The JavaNode interface represents a Java class element in the JDeveloper browser.
 class JavaSourceNode
          The JavaSourceNode interface represents a Java source file in the JDeveloper browser.
 class JpegImageNode
          Node subclass for .jpg/.jpeg image files.
 class JProject
          JProject is the data class that represents the project in JDeveloper.
 class JspSourceNode
          The JspSourceNode interface represents a Jsp source file in the JDeveloper browser.
 class PngImageNode
          Node subclass for .png image files.
 class SqljSourceNode
          The SqljSourceNode interface represents a SQLJ source file in the JDeveloper browser.

Uses of Document in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi with parameters of type Document
protected  void VCSAbstractCommand.updateReadOnlyStates(Document[] documents)
          Updates the editor read-only states of documents for the given URLs.

Uses of Document in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util that return Document
static Document[] VCSModelUtils.getDirtyDocuments(Document[] documents)
          Gets the documents from the given selection which are dirty.

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util with parameters of type Document
static Document[] VCSModelUtils.getDirtyDocuments(Document[] documents)
          Gets the documents from the given selection which are dirty.
static void VCSCommandUtils.closeMissingDocuments(Document[] documents)
          Closes all of the given documents whose files are absent on disk.

Uses of Document in oracle.jdevimpl.webapp.html

Classes in oracle.jdevimpl.webapp.html that implement Document
 class oracle.jdevimpl.webapp.html.HtmlSourceNode

Extension SDK


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