Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01

Uses of Interface

Packages that use AttributeList
oracle.jbo Contains interfaces for client-side applications. 
oracle.jbo.common Contains the implementation of components shared by thin clients and the middle tier.   
oracle.jbo.server Contains the implementation of middle tier components. 

Uses of AttributeList in oracle.adf.model.generic

Fields in oracle.adf.model.generic declared as AttributeList
protected  AttributeList DCRowContext.mAL

Methods in oracle.adf.model.generic that return AttributeList
 AttributeList DCRowContext.getAttributeList()

Methods in oracle.adf.model.generic with parameters of type AttributeList
 Row DCRowSetIteratorImpl.createAndInitRow(AttributeList nvp)
 Key DCRowSetIteratorImpl.createKey(AttributeList nvp)
 Row DCGenericRowSetIteratorImpl.createAndInitRow(AttributeList nvp)
 java.lang.String AttributeDefImpl.getFormattedAttribute(AttributeList attrList, LocaleContext locale)
 void AttributeDefImpl.validate(AttributeList al, java.lang.Object newValue)

Constructors in oracle.adf.model.generic with parameters of type AttributeList
DCRowContext(RowSetIterator iter, StructureDef def, AttributeList al)

Uses of AttributeList in oracle.jbo

Subinterfaces of AttributeList in oracle.jbo
 interface Row
          This interface provides access to rows.

Classes in oracle.jbo that implement AttributeList
 class Key
          A primary, foreign, or composite row identifier.
 class NameValuePairs
          Holder of name/value pairs.
 class ViewCriteriaRow
          An array containing criteria for the individual attributes of a View Object's WHERE clause.

Methods in oracle.jbo with parameters of type AttributeList
 Row ViewCriteria.createAndInitRow(AttributeList nvp)
          Creates a new Row object, but does not insert it into the row set.
 Key ViewCriteria.createKey(AttributeList nvp)
          Given a list of name-value pairs, creates a Key object.
 Row RowIterator.createAndInitRow(AttributeList nvp)
          Creates and initializes a new Row object, but does not insert it into the Row Set.
 Key RowIterator.createKey(AttributeList nvp)
          Given a list of name-value pairs, creates a Key object that matches the key structure for the ViewObject for this RowItertor.
 java.lang.String AttributeHints.getFormattedAttribute(AttributeList attrList, LocaleContext locale)
          Returns the formatted value for the attribute.

Uses of AttributeList in oracle.jbo.client.remote

Classes in oracle.jbo.client.remote that implement AttributeList
 class TransPostEntityRow

Methods in oracle.jbo.client.remote with parameters of type AttributeList
 Row ViewUsageImpl.createAndInitRow(AttributeList nvp)
 Key ViewUsageImpl.createKey(AttributeList nvp)
          Given a set of attribute values (name-value pairs), creates a key object for this ViewObject.
 java.lang.String AttributeDefImpl.getFormattedAttribute(AttributeList attrList, LocaleContext locale)

Uses of AttributeList in oracle.jbo.common

Methods in oracle.jbo.common with parameters of type AttributeList
static Key RowSetIteratorHelper.createKey(AttributeList al, AttributeDef[] keyAttrs)

Constructors in oracle.jbo.common with parameters of type AttributeList
SvcMsgDataRow(ObjectMarshaller marshaller, int rowType, int rsiId, int rowIndex, AttributeList row, java.lang.Object rowHandle, byte newRowState, int[] changedAttrIndices, AccTravDef accTravDef, int accTravLimit)
SvcMsgDataRow(ObjectMarshaller marshaller, int rowType, int rsiId, int rowIndex, AttributeList row, java.lang.Object rowHandle, byte newRowState, int[] changedAttrIndices)

Uses of AttributeList in

Methods in with parameters of type AttributeList
 Row WSRowSetIteratorBase.createAndInitRow(AttributeList nvp)
 Key WSRowSetIteratorBase.createKey(AttributeList nvp)

Uses of AttributeList in oracle.jbo.domain

Methods in oracle.jbo.domain with parameters of type AttributeList
static java.lang.String DomainAttributeDef.printAttrXMLDefinition(AttributeList row, java.lang.String attrTag, AttributeDef ad, java.util.Hashtable allDefs, pw, boolean bContainees)
 java.lang.String DomainAttributeDef.getFormattedAttribute(AttributeList attrList, LocaleContext locale)

Uses of AttributeList in oracle.jbo.html

Methods in oracle.jbo.html with parameters of type AttributeList
static void HtmlServices.internalSetAttribute(java.lang.String sName, AttributeList attrList, AttributeDef attrDef, RequestParameters params, LocaleContext locale)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Uses of AttributeList in oracle.jbo.html.jsp.datatags

Fields in oracle.jbo.html.jsp.datatags declared as AttributeList
protected  AttributeList DataTagBase.attrList

Uses of AttributeList in oracle.jbo.server

Subinterfaces of AttributeList in oracle.jbo.server
 interface Entity
          This interface is for BC4J Entity Objects.

Classes in oracle.jbo.server that implement AttributeList
 class AttributeListImpl
          The middle-tier manager for name/value pairs.
 class EJBEntityImpl
 class EntityImpl
          This class implements the middle-tier representations of database rows.
 class RowImpl
          Base class for Entity Rows and View Object Rows.
 class ViewRowImpl
          A View Object Row.

Methods in oracle.jbo.server with parameters of type AttributeList
 Key ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.createKey(AttributeList nvp)
 Row ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.createAndInitRow(AttributeList initVals)
 Row ViewRowSetImpl.createAndInitRow(AttributeList initVals)
 Key ViewRowSetImpl.createKey(AttributeList nvp)
protected  void ViewRowImpl.create(AttributeList nvp)
          Initialization method to be over-ridden in generated code for custom defaulting.
 ViewRowImpl ViewObjectImpl.createInstance(ViewRowSetImpl viewRowSet, AttributeList attrValList)
          Creates a view row instance.
 Row ViewObjectImpl.createAndInitRow(AttributeList initVals)
 Key ViewObjectImpl.createKey(AttributeList nvp)
          Given a set of attribute values (name-value pairs), creates a key object for this ViewObject.
 EntityImpl NullDBTransactionImpl.createEntityInstance(EntityDefImpl entityDef, AttributeList al)
          Deprecated. Implementation of the DBTransaction interface.
 EntityImpl NullDBTransactionImpl.createEntityInstance(java.lang.String entityDefName, AttributeList al)
          Deprecated. Implementation of the DBTransaction interface.
protected  void EntityImpl.create(AttributeList nameValuePair)
          This method should be subclassed to supply programmatic default values to various attributes of a new Entity Object.
 Key EntityDefImpl.createKey(AttributeList al)
          Given a set of attribute values (name-value pairs), creates a Primary key object for this Entity.
protected  EntityImpl EntityDefImpl.createInstance(DBTransaction txn, AttributeList al)
          Instantiate an instance of the Entity.
 EntityImpl DBTransactionImpl2.createEntityInstance(EntityDefImpl entityDef, AttributeList al)
          Implementation of createEntityInstance method.
 EntityImpl DBTransactionImpl2.createEntityInstance(java.lang.String entityDefName, AttributeList al)
          Implementation of createEntityInstance method.
 EntityImpl DBTransactionImpl.createEntityInstance(EntityDefImpl entityDef, AttributeList al)
          Creates an EntityImpl object based on the given defintion, in the context of the root Application Module.
 EntityImpl DBTransactionImpl.createEntityInstance(java.lang.String entityDefName, AttributeList al)
          Creates an EntityImpl object based on the given defintion, in the context of the root Application Module.
 EntityImpl DBTransaction.createEntityInstance(EntityDefImpl entityDef, AttributeList al)
          Creates an EntityImpl instance based on the given defintion.
 EntityImpl DBTransaction.createEntityInstance(java.lang.String entityDefName, AttributeList al)
          Creates an EntityImpl instance based on the named defintion.
 java.lang.String AttributeDefImpl.getFormattedAttribute(AttributeList attrList, LocaleContext locale)

Uses of AttributeList in oracle.jbo.server.ejb.facade

Classes in oracle.jbo.server.ejb.facade that implement AttributeList
 class EntityFacadeImpl
          Abstract base class for Entity Facade.

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01


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