Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01

Class ViewRowSetImpl

  extended byoracle.jbo.common.PropertiesHelper
      extended byoracle.jbo.common.RowSetHelper
          extended byoracle.jbo.server.RowSetImpl
              extended byoracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
NavigatableRowIterator, Properties, RowIterator, RowSet, RowSetIterator, WSRowSetIteratorMarshaller, WSRowSetMarshaller, XMLInterface, oracle.jbo.common.xml.XmlSerializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
CmrAccessorViewRowSet, EntityRowSetImpl

public class ViewRowSetImpl
extends oracle.jbo.server.RowSetImpl
implements RowSet, WSRowSetMarshaller, WSRowSetIteratorMarshaller

The middle-tier class that manages collections of view rows that result from executing a query.

A view row set blongs to a View Object. An important distinction between a View Object and a row set is that the View Object manages the query statement. All row sets that belong to a View Object use the same query statement. However, each row set supplies its own set of binding values. This arrangement is ideally for managing the master-detail relationship: the detail View Object supplies the same query statement for all detail row sets, while each row set builds its own bind values from its master row.

View rows are maintained in an ordered list, and each view row is identified by an index into this list. This index is referred as the absolute row index. An application can insert a row at any valid row index, or delete any row, which will cause the indices of following rows to be adjusted.

The work horse behind ViewRowSetImpl are internal query collections. In a master-detail relationship the detail set is identified by its foreign key value. For example, consider the View Objects Dept and TempAgency, where Dept is the master and TempAgency is the detail, which are related through a View Link . Suppose Depts 10 and 20 are located in "New York" and Dept 30 in "San Jose", and "New York" has two temp agencies "ABC and DEF", and "San Jose" has "GHI and JKL".

This scenario has two query collections on the detail (TempAgency) side, for "New York" and "San Jose". If the application invokes the assocation/View Link accessor to get the temp agencies from Dept, each Dept produces a view row set. Two view row sets, for Depts 10 and 20 show temp agencies in "New York", and Dept 30 shows the temp agencies in "San Jose". The first two view row sets share the same query collection, and the third has its own.

An internal table of master-key/query-collection pairs, the query collection hash table, is maintained for the View Object. When a new detail view row set is created, it checks this hash table to see if a query collection of the master key value already is in the list, and if found, uses it. Otherwise, the query is executed and a new query collection is created.

The position of a row inserted in the middle of the row set is temporary in that when the data is posted to the database, this position will not be preserved in the database. If the row set is executed again, refreshing its data from the database, the new row will appear in the position returned by the database.

JDeveloper 3.0
See Also:
ViewObject, RowSet, ViewObjectImpl, ViewRowSetIteratorImpl

Field Summary
protected  ViewRowSetIteratorImpl mDefaultView
static byte mDefaultViewLinkMode
protected mMasterViews
protected  java.lang.Object[] mParamValues
protected  ViewObjectImpl mQRef
protected mUserParams
protected mViews
Fields inherited from class oracle.jbo.common.RowSetHelper
listeners, mMgmtListeners, mName
Fields inherited from class oracle.jbo.common.PropertiesHelper
Fields inherited from interface oracle.jbo.RowSet
Fields inherited from interface oracle.jbo.RowIterator
Fields inherited from interface oracle.jbo.XMLInterface
Constructor Summary
ViewRowSetImpl(ViewObjectImpl vo, java.lang.String name, ViewRowSetIteratorImpl masterRSI)
          Constructs a new secondary (non-default) view row set.
Method Summary
 void addListener(java.lang.Object listener)
          Adds an event listener to this object.
 void addManagementListener(RowSetManagementListener listener)
          Adds a subscriber (listener) to be notified of RowSetManagementListener events generated by this Row Set Iterator.
 void addRowSetManagementListener(RowSetManagementListener listener)
protected  void close()
          Closes the view row set.
 void closeRowSet()
          Closes the Row Set.
 void closeRowSetIterator()
          Closes this row set iterator.
 Row createAndInitRow(AttributeList initVals)
          Creates and initializes a new Row object, but does not insert it into the Row Set.
 RowSet createDetailRowSet(java.lang.String rsName, java.lang.String linkDefName)
          Creates and returns an new detail row set for this row set iterator.
 Key createKey(AttributeList nvp)
          Given a list of name-value pairs, creates a Key object that matches the key structure for the ViewObject for this RowItertor.
 Row createRow()
          Creates a new view row.
 RowSetIterator createRowSetIterator(java.lang.String name)
          Creates and returns a new row set iterator on this row set.
 boolean doesRowFilterMatch(Row[] masterRows, java.lang.Object[] rowFilterValues)
static void dumpViewRowCache(RowSetIterator rsi, out)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 java.util.Enumeration enumerateRowsInRange()
          Creates and returns an enumerator of the rows in the range.
 void execute(boolean forceFlag, boolean notifyFlag)
          Executes the query.
 void execute(boolean forceFlag, boolean notifyFlag, Row[] masterRows)
 java.lang.Object[] executeDetailQuery(Row[] masterRows)
 void executeEmptyRowSet()
 void executeQuery()
          Executes the query.
 void findAndSetCurrentRowByKey(Key key, int rangeIndex)
 Row[] findByEntity(int eRowHandle, int maxNumOfRows)
          Finds and returns View rows that use the Entity row, identified by the Entity row handle, eRowHandle.
 Row[] findByKey(Key key, int maxNumOfRows)
          Finds and returns View rows that match the specified key.
 Row[] findByKey(Key key, int maxNumOfRows, boolean skipWhere)
 RowSetIterator findRowSetIterator(java.lang.String rsiName)
          Gets the named Row Set Iterator that was created at runtime for this Row Set.
 Row first()
          Navigates to the first row in the row set.
 byte getAccessMode()
 Row[] getAllRowsInRange()
          Returns an array of all rows in the iterator's range.
 ApplicationModule getApplicationModule()
          Returns the application module to which this row set's View Object belongs.
 SvcMsgIteratorState getCliIteratorState()
 int[] getCollMgmtInfo()
 Row getCurrentRow()
          Returns the current row of the iterator.
 int getCurrentRowIndex()
          Returns the absolute row index of the current row in the row set.
 int getCurrentRowSlot()
          Returns the current row slot status.
 ViewRowSetIteratorImpl getDefaultRowSetIterator()
          Returns the default ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.
 long getDetailEstimatedRowCount(Row[] masterRows)
 RowSet[] getDetailRowSets()
          Returns an array of all detail row sets for this row set iterator.
 java.lang.String getElementTagName()
 int getEstimatedRangePageCount()
          Returns getEstimatedRowCount()/rangePageSize, if rangeSize > 0.
 long getEstimatedRowCount()
          Returns an estimated number of rows in this row set.
 int getFetchedRowCount()
          Returns the number of rows fetched from the JDBC RestultSet.
 Row[] getFilteredRows(RowQualifier qualifier)
 Row[] getFilteredRows(java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.Object attrValue)
          Returns all rows in this collection whose attribute value matches the value being passed in attrValue.
 Row[] getFilteredRowsInRange(RowQualifier qualifier)
 Row[] getFilteredRowsInRange(java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.Object attrValue)
          Returns all rows in this range whose attribute value matches the value being passed in attrValue.
 int getIterMode()
          Gets the current iteration mode.
 RowSetIterator[] getMasterRowSetIterators()
          Returns an array of all master row set iterators for this row set.
 java.util.Vector getMasterViewRowSetIterators()
          Returns a list of all master row set iterators for this row set. getMasterViewRowSetIteratorsList()
          Returns a list of all master row set iterators for this row set.
 Row[] getNextRangeSet()
          Gets the next set of rows in the range.
 java.lang.Object[] getParameters(boolean nullValueFlag)
          Returns an array of bind values to be used for binding to the query.
 java.lang.Object[] getParameters(boolean nullValueFlag, Row[] masterRows)
 java.lang.Object[] getParametersAsStorageTypes()
          Returns an array of bind values to be used for binding to the query.
 java.lang.Object[] getParametersAsStorageTypes(Row[] masterRows)
 Row[] getPreviousRangeSet()
          Gets the previous set of rows in the range.
 java.util.Hashtable getProperties()
          Retrieves all properties.
 QueryCollection getQueryCollection()
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 int getRangeIndexOf(Row row)
          Returns the range index of the row specified by row.
 int getRangeSize()
          Returns the range size of the iterator.
 int getRangeStart()
          Returns the absolute row index of the first row in the range.
 Row getRow(int index)
          Returns the row at absolute row index of index.
 Row getRow(Key key)
          Returns the first row whose key matches key.
 Row getRowAtRangeIndex(int index)
          Returns the row at range index index.
 int getRowCount()
          Returns the total number of rows in this row set.
 int getRowCountInRange()
          Returns the actual number of rows in the range.
 java.lang.Object[] getRowFilterValues()
 Row getRowFromHandle(java.lang.Object rowHandle)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
protected  Row[] getRows(EntityImpl entity)
          Returns an array of view rows that use the specified entity row.
 RowSet getRowSet()
          Implements RowSetIterator.getRowSet.
 ViewRowSetImpl getRowSetForFilter(java.lang.Object[] rowFilterValues, ViewRowSetImpl baseVRS)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 RowSetIterator getRowSetIterator()
          Returns the row set iterator interface of this object.
 RowSetIterator[] getRowSetIterators()
          Gets all Row Set Iterators that belong to this Row Set.
 java.lang.Object getSyncLock()
          Gets the locking object for this Row Set Iterator.
 byte getViewLinkMode()
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 ViewObject getViewObject()
          Returns this row set's View Object.
 java.lang.Object[] getWhereClauseParams()
          Returns an array of bind values currently specified for the query.
 boolean hasDefaultRowSetIterator()
 boolean hasNext()
          Indicates whether the iterator has a next row or not.
 boolean hasPrevious()
          Indicates whether the iterator has a previous row or not.
protected  boolean initQueryCollection(boolean forceFlag, RowFilter rowFilter)
          Sets up QueryCollection for the view row set.
 void insertRow(Row row)
          Inserts the row into the row set.
 void insertRowAt(int index, Row row)
          Inserts a view row at an absolute row index specified by index.
 void insertRowAtRangeIndex(int index, Row row)
          Inserts the row into the row set at the specified range index.
 boolean isAssociationConsistent()
          Returns the association-consistent flag for this row set.
 boolean isDefaultRS()
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 boolean isDirty()
          Indicates whether data modifications have been performed since the last database post through this row set.
 boolean isExecuted()
          Indicates whether the query for this rowset has been executed once or not.
 boolean isFetchComplete()
          Tests if the query result set has been fetched to the end.
 boolean isForwardOnly()
          Indicates whether this row set is forward-only or not.
 boolean isMaxFetchSizeExceeded()
          Tests if the query result has been fetched to the end and the end was reached due to hitting the maxFetchSize limit
 boolean isNameGenerated()
          Tests if the Iterator's name was generated by the system.
protected  boolean isNotifiedRefresh()
          Indicates whether row set refresh event has been notified to the row set's listeners or not.
 boolean isPassivationEnabled()
 boolean isRangeAtBottom()
          Indicates whether the iterator range contains the last row of the row set.
 boolean isRangeAtTop()
          Indicates whether the iterator range contains the first row of the row set.
 boolean isRowValidation()
          Gets the validation flag on this iterator.
 Row last()
          Navigates to the last row in the row set.
 ViewRowImpl makeRowCopy(ViewRowImpl vr)
 Row next()
          Navigates to the next row in the row set.
 void prepareForBatchMode(SvcMsgIteratorState iteratorState, boolean setCurrentRow)
 Row previous()
          Navigates to the previous row in the row set.
 void printActiveObjsTab( pw)
 void printColl( pw, int printFlag)
 void printRUChain( pw)
 void readXML(Element elem, int depthCount)
 void readXML(Element elem, int depthCount, XSLStylesheet xslt)
 java.lang.Object[] refreshCollection(Row[] masterRows, boolean resetIter, boolean fillUpRange)
 void removeCurrentRow()
          Removes the current row.
 Row removeCurrentRowAndRetain()
          Removes the current Row object from the collection and retain it for insertion into another location.
 void removeCurrentRowFromCollection()
          Removes the current Row object from the collection.
 void removeListener(java.lang.Object listener)
          Removes an event listener to this object from the listener list.
 void removeManagementListener(RowSetManagementListener listener)
          Removes a subscriber (listener) for RowSetManagementListener events generated by this row set iterator.
 boolean removeMasterRowSetIterator(RowSetIterator masterRSI)
          Removes the master row set iterator in a master-detail View Link.
 void removeRowAndRetainAt(int index)
 void removeRowAt(int index)
          Removes a view row at an absolute row index specified by index.
 void removeRowFromCollectionAt(int index)
 void removeRowHandle(java.lang.Object rowHandle)
          Deprecated. Since Jdeveloper 9.0.3. No replacement. No longer used.
 void removeRowSetManagementListener(RowSetManagementListener listener)
 void reset()
          Resets the iterator.
 int scrollRange(int amount)
          Scrolls the range by amount.
 int scrollRangeTo(Row row, int index)
          Scrolls the range to a specific row.
 int scrollToRangePage(int amount)
          Moves the row set range start to the given page index where every page consists of RangeSize number of rows.
 void setAccessMode(byte flag)
          Constrains the row access based on the following settings:
 void setAssociationConsistent(boolean isConsistent)
          Sets the association-consistent flag for this row set.
 boolean setCurrentRow(Row row)
          Moves the iterator to the row specified by row.
 boolean setCurrentRowAtRangeIndex(int index)
          Moves the iterator to the row whose range index is index.
 void setExecuteParameters(java.lang.Object[] userValues, java.lang.Object[] paramValues, boolean diffParams)
 void setForwardOnly(boolean isForwardOnly)
          Sets whether this row set will be forward-only or not.
 void setIterMode(int mode)
          Sets the iteration mode for this Row Iterator.
 boolean setMasterRowSetIterator(RowSetIterator masterRSI)
          Sets the master row set iterator in a master-detail View Link.
 void setPassivationEnabled(boolean flag)
 void setPassivationEnabledInternal(boolean flag)
 int setRangeSize(int size)
          Sets the range size for the iterator.
 int setRangeStart(int start)
          Sets the range position by the absolute row index specified in start.
 void setReceiveAllInsertEvents(boolean b)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 void setRowFilterValues(java.lang.Object[] rowFilterValues)
 void setRowValidation(boolean flag)
          Sets the validation flag on this iterator.
 void setViewLinkMode(byte val)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 void setWhereClauseParam(int index, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets the bind value at a specified index.
 void setWhereClauseParams(java.lang.Object[] values)
          Sets bind values for the query.
 void writeAsXml(oracle.jbo.common.xml.XmlOutput out, Node node, oracle.jbo.common.xml.Criteria rules)
 Node writeXML(int depthCount, long options)
          Renders data in a canonical XML-format.
 Node writeXML(int depthCount, long options, XSLStylesheet xslt)
 Node writeXML(long options, voAttrRules)
          Renders data in a canonical XML-format.
 Node writeXML(long options, map, XSLStylesheet xslt)
Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.common.RowSetHelper
fireMgmtIteratorClosed, fireMgmtIteratorReset, fireNavigationEvent, fireRangeRefreshed, fireRangeScrolled, fireRowDeleted, fireRowInserted, fireRowUpdated, getListeners, getListenersList, getManagementListenersList, getName, hasListeners, hasManagementListeners, setName
Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.common.PropertiesHelper
getProperty, refreshProperty, setProperty
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.RowSet
Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.Properties
getProperty, refreshProperty
Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.XMLInterface
readXML, readXML, writeXML, writeXML, writeXML, writeXML

Field Detail


protected ViewObjectImpl mQRef


protected mViews


protected ViewRowSetIteratorImpl mDefaultView


protected mMasterViews


protected mUserParams


protected java.lang.Object[] mParamValues


public static final byte VIEWLINK_MODE_UNINITIALIZED
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte VIEWLINK_MODE_INCONSISTENT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte VIEWLINK_MODE_CONSISTENT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte VIEWLINK_MODE_DEFAULT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static byte mDefaultViewLinkMode
Constructor Detail


public ViewRowSetImpl(ViewObjectImpl vo,
                      java.lang.String name,
                      ViewRowSetIteratorImpl masterRSI)
Constructs a new secondary (non-default) view row set.

vo - the View Object to which this view row set belongs.
name - name to be given to this view row set. If null, the view row set is assigned the default row set name, which is the View Object's name, plus "_RowSet".
masterRSI - the master row set iterator if this view row set will be detail in a master-detail relationship. null otherwise.
Method Detail


public final java.lang.Object getSyncLock()
Description copied from interface: RowSetIterator
Gets the locking object for this Row Set Iterator. Actually, this method locks the Application Module to which this Row Set Iterator belongs. See ApplicationModule.getSyncLock() for details.

Specified by:
getSyncLock in interface RowSetIterator
the locking object.


public final boolean isNameGenerated()
Description copied from interface: RowSetIterator
Tests if the Iterator's name was generated by the system.

Specified by:
isNameGenerated in interface RowSetIterator
true if the name was generated by the system. false if the name was given by the user and not generated by the system.


public boolean isDefaultRS()
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Indicates whether this row set is the default row set for the View Object.

indicates whether this row set is the default row set for the View Object.


protected boolean initQueryCollection(boolean forceFlag,
                                      RowFilter rowFilter)
Sets up QueryCollection for the view row set.

forceFlag - indicates whether to force-create the query collection or not. If this flag is false, we try to find an existing in the query collection list (of the View Object). If it is true, we do not bother with existing QCs.
indicates whether a new query collection was created or not.


protected void close()
Closes the view row set.

It closes all row set iterators, removes itself from all master row set iterators, and possibly remove the query collection from the query collection list.


public void closeRowSet()
Description copied from interface: RowSet
Closes the Row Set. It closes all Row Set Iterators that belong to this Row Set. If this Row Set is a detail Row Set in a master-detail relationship, closeRowSet removes this Row Set from the master Row Set Iterator.

Specified by:
closeRowSet in interface RowSet


public void closeRowSetIterator()
Description copied from interface: RowSetIterator
Closes this row set iterator. If this row set iterator is a master in a master-detail relationship, closeRowSetIterator closes all detail row sets.

After that, it fires a RowSetManagementListener.iteratorClosed() event to its RowSetManagementListener's.

Then, it deregisters this row set iterator from the owning row set, and deregisters all its listeners.

Specified by:
closeRowSetIterator in interface RowSetIterator


public void execute(boolean forceFlag,
                    boolean notifyFlag)
Executes the query.

forceFlag controls whether a new query collection should be force-created or not. If true, the query collection list is not consulted and a new query collection is created. If false, we check the query collection list to see if one with the key exists. If so, we reuse the existing one.

If forceFlag is true, the application may see a different set of rows than before, depending on the where-clause and data modifications performed by this application or other users.

See ViewObjectImpl.executeQuery for explanation.

forceFlag - indicates whether to force-create the query collection.
notifyFlag - indicates whether to send notification or not. If true, each row set iterator will fire a range refreshed event.
See Also:


public void execute(boolean forceFlag,
                    boolean notifyFlag,
                    Row[] masterRows)


public void executeQuery()
Executes the query.

See ViewObjectImpl.executeQuery for details.

Specified by:
executeQuery in interface RowSet
See Also:


public java.lang.Object[] executeDetailQuery(Row[] masterRows)
Specified by:
executeDetailQuery in interface WSRowSetMarshaller


public boolean doesRowFilterMatch(Row[] masterRows,
                                  java.lang.Object[] rowFilterValues)
Specified by:
doesRowFilterMatch in interface WSRowSetMarshaller


public java.lang.Object[] refreshCollection(Row[] masterRows,
                                            boolean resetIter,
                                            boolean fillUpRange)
Specified by:
refreshCollection in interface WSRowSetMarshaller


public void executeEmptyRowSet()
Specified by:
executeEmptyRowSet in interface WSRowSetMarshaller


public RowSetIterator createRowSetIterator(java.lang.String name)
Creates and returns a new row set iterator on this row set.

Specified by:
createRowSetIterator in interface RowSet
name - the name of the new row set iterator.
the new row set iterator.


public ViewRowSetImpl getRowSetForFilter(java.lang.Object[] rowFilterValues,
                                         ViewRowSetImpl baseVRS)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.


public RowSetIterator[] getRowSetIterators()
Description copied from interface: RowSet
Gets all Row Set Iterators that belong to this Row Set.

Specified by:
getRowSetIterators in interface RowSet
the array of Row Set Iterators.


public RowSetIterator findRowSetIterator(java.lang.String rsiName)
Description copied from interface: RowSet
Gets the named Row Set Iterator that was created at runtime for this Row Set.

Specified by:
findRowSetIterator in interface RowSet
rsiName - a Row Set Iterator name. If null, it returns the the Row Set.
the Row Set Iterator. null if the named Row Set Iterator is not not found.


public boolean isExecuted()
Indicates whether the query for this rowset has been executed once or not.

Specified by:
isExecuted in interface RowSet
true if the row set has been executed.


public final QueryCollection getQueryCollection()
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Returns the query collection for this row set.

the QueryCollection for this row set.


public boolean hasDefaultRowSetIterator()


public ViewRowSetIteratorImpl getDefaultRowSetIterator()
Returns the default ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.

The default row set iterator has the same name as this row set object.

the default row set iterator.


public void addListener(java.lang.Object listener)
Adds an event listener to this object.

listener should implement the RowSetListener interface.

Specified by:
addListener in interface NavigatableRowIterator
addListener in class RowSetHelper
listener - the RowSetListener registering interest in this object's events.


public void removeListener(java.lang.Object listener)
Removes an event listener to this object from the listener list.

listener should implement the RowSetListener interface.

Specified by:
removeListener in interface NavigatableRowIterator
removeListener in class RowSetHelper
listener - the RowSetListener to be removed.


public void addManagementListener(RowSetManagementListener listener)
Description copied from interface: RowSetIterator
Adds a subscriber (listener) to be notified of RowSetManagementListener events generated by this Row Set Iterator.

Specified by:
addManagementListener in interface RowSetIterator
addManagementListener in class RowSetHelper


public void removeManagementListener(RowSetManagementListener listener)
Description copied from interface: RowSetIterator
Removes a subscriber (listener) for RowSetManagementListener events generated by this row set iterator.

Specified by:
removeManagementListener in interface RowSetIterator
removeManagementListener in class RowSetHelper


public void addRowSetManagementListener(RowSetManagementListener listener)


public void removeRowSetManagementListener(RowSetManagementListener listener)


public getMasterViewRowSetIteratorsList()
Returns a list of all master row set iterators for this row set.

a list of all master row set iterators for this row set.


public java.util.Vector getMasterViewRowSetIterators()
Returns a list of all master row set iterators for this row set.

a list of all master row set iterators for this row set.


public boolean setMasterRowSetIterator(RowSetIterator masterRSI)
Sets the master row set iterator in a master-detail View Link.

See ViewObjectImpl.setMasterRowSetIterator for details.

Specified by:
setMasterRowSetIterator in interface RowSet
masterRSI - master row set iterator.
indicates whether the master row set iterator was successfully set or not.
See Also:


public boolean removeMasterRowSetIterator(RowSetIterator masterRSI)
Removes the master row set iterator in a master-detail View Link.

See ViewObjectImpl.removeMasterRowSetIterator for details.

Specified by:
removeMasterRowSetIterator in interface RowSet
masterRSI - master row set iterator to remove.
indicates whether the master row set iterator was successfully removed or not.
See Also:


public boolean isDirty()
Indicates whether data modifications have been performed since the last database post through this row set.

flag indicating whether the row set is dirty.


protected boolean isNotifiedRefresh()
Indicates whether row set refresh event has been notified to the row set's listeners or not.

flag indicating whether refresh was notified or not.


public ViewRowImpl makeRowCopy(ViewRowImpl vr)


public void insertRowAt(int index,
                        Row row)
Inserts a view row at an absolute row index specified by index.

An absolute row index is a row index in the entire row set. It starts at 0.

index - absolute row index at which the row is to be inserted.
row - the row to inserted.


public void removeRowAt(int index)
Removes a view row at an absolute row index specified by index.

An absolute row index is a row index in the entire row set. It starts at 0.

index - absolute row index of the row to remove.


public void removeRowFromCollectionAt(int index)


public void removeRowAndRetainAt(int index)


public Row createAndInitRow(AttributeList initVals)
Description copied from interface: RowIterator
Creates and initializes a new Row object, but does not insert it into the Row Set. This method differs from createRow() mainly in that this method allows the user to pass in a list of name-value pairs with which row attributes are initialized.

nvp is a named value pair. When building an nvp from scratch, use NameValuePairs to build a new nvp. Here is an example:

    NameValuePairs nvp = new NameValuePairs();
    nvp.setAttribute("EmpTyp", "C");

    Row row = voEmp.createAndInitRow(nvp);
This method is particularly useful when creating a subclass View Row or Entity Row. You can include polymorphic discriminator attribute values in nvp and correct subclass row object will be created.

When this method is called, underlying entities are created. After the new entities are created, a new view row is created. After that ViewRowImpl.create(oracle.jbo.AttributeList) is called with this nvp. ViewRowImpl.create(AttributeList) walks thru the list of entities and calls EntityImpl.create(AttributeList) with the same nvp for each entity in the view row.

Specified by:
createAndInitRow in interface RowIterator
initVals - a list of name-value pairs.
a new Row object.


public Row createRow()
Creates a new view row.

See ViewObjectImpl.createRow for details.

Specified by:
createRow in interface RowIterator
the new view row.
See Also:


public int getRowCount()
Returns the total number of rows in this row set.

See ViewObjectImpl.getRowCount for details.

Specified by:
getRowCount in interface RowIterator
the number of rows in the row set.
See Also:


public int getEstimatedRangePageCount()
Description copied from interface: RowSetIterator
Returns getEstimatedRowCount()/rangePageSize, if rangeSize > 0. For rangeSize <= 0, returns 1.

This number may fluxuate when the View Object is syncronized with its Entity Object.

Specified by:
getEstimatedRangePageCount in interface RowSetIterator
the number of range-pages that this RowSet collection has.


public long getEstimatedRowCount()
Returns an estimated number of rows in this row set.

See ViewObjectImpl.getEstimatedRowCount for details.

Specified by:
getEstimatedRowCount in interface RowSet
an estimated number of rows in the row set.
See Also:


public long getDetailEstimatedRowCount(Row[] masterRows)
Specified by:
getDetailEstimatedRowCount in interface WSRowSetMarshaller


public RowSetIterator[] getMasterRowSetIterators()
Returns an array of all master row set iterators for this row set.

Specified by:
getMasterRowSetIterators in interface RowSet
an array of all master row set iterators for this row set.


public ApplicationModule getApplicationModule()
Returns the application module to which this row set's View Object belongs.

Specified by:
getApplicationModule in interface RowSet
the ApplicationModule this View Object belongs to.


public ViewObject getViewObject()
Returns this row set's View Object.

Specified by:
getViewObject in interface RowSet
the ViewObject this row set belongs to.


public RowSet getRowSet()
Implements RowSetIterator.getRowSet.

Specified by:
getRowSet in interface RowSetIterator
the row set interface of this object.


public RowSetIterator getRowSetIterator()
Returns the row set iterator interface of this object.

the row set interface of this object.


public java.lang.Object[] getRowFilterValues()
Specified by:
getRowFilterValues in interface WSRowSetIteratorMarshaller


public void setRowFilterValues(java.lang.Object[] rowFilterValues)
Specified by:
setRowFilterValues in interface WSRowSetIteratorMarshaller


public SvcMsgIteratorState getCliIteratorState()
Specified by:
getCliIteratorState in interface WSRowSetIteratorMarshaller


public void prepareForBatchMode(SvcMsgIteratorState iteratorState,
                                boolean setCurrentRow)
Specified by:
prepareForBatchMode in interface WSRowSetIteratorMarshaller


public int setRangeSize(int size)
Sets the range size for the iterator.

See ViewObjectImpl.setRangeSize for details.

Specified by:
setRangeSize in interface RowIterator
size - the new range size.
the new range size.
See Also:


public int getRangeSize()
Returns the range size of the iterator.

See ViewObjectImpl.getRangeSize for details.

Specified by:
getRangeSize in interface RowIterator
the range size.
See Also:


public int getRangeStart()
Returns the absolute row index of the first row in the range.

See ViewObjectImpl.getRangeStart for details.

Specified by:
getRangeStart in interface RowIterator
the absolute row index of the first row in the range.
See Also:


public int setRangeStart(int start)
Sets the range position by the absolute row index specified in start.

See ViewObjectImpl.setRangeStart for details.

Specified by:
setRangeStart in interface RowIterator
start - absolute row index of the row that should be positioned as the first row of the range. An absolute row index is a row index in the entire row set. It starts at 0.
the absolute row index of the first row of the range.
See Also:


public int scrollRange(int amount)
Scrolls the range by amount.

See ViewObjectImpl.scrollRange for details.

Specified by:
scrollRange in interface RowIterator
amount - the number of rows to scroll.
the actual number of rows scrolled. A negative number indicates that the scroll was scrolled upward.
See Also:


public int scrollToRangePage(int amount)
Description copied from interface: RowSetIterator
Moves the row set range start to the given page index where every page consists of RangeSize number of rows. PageIndex should start at page number 1. This method calculates the rowIndex that should start at that page and then scrolls the iterator to start at that row by using the following calculation:

(rangeSize * (pageSize-1)) - getRangeStart();

Specified by:
scrollToRangePage in interface RowSetIterator
amount - the page number to go to in the result set.
the number of rows actually scrolled.


public int scrollRangeTo(Row row,
                         int index)
Scrolls the range to a specific row.

See ViewObjectImpl.scrollRangeTo for details.

Specified by:
scrollRangeTo in interface RowIterator
row - the row to scroll the range to.
index - the range index to position the row at.
the actual number of rows scrolled. A negative number indicates that the scroll was scrolled upward.
See Also:
ViewObjectImpl.scrollRangeTo(Row, int)


public Row[] getAllRowsInRange()
Returns an array of all rows in the iterator's range.

See ViewObjectImpl.getAllRowsInRange for details.

Specified by:
getAllRowsInRange in interface RowIterator
an array of view rows.
See Also:


public Row[] getNextRangeSet()
Description copied from interface: RowSetIterator
Gets the next set of rows in the range. This method is good for processing rows in a range-ful fashion. Suppose the Row Set has 20 rows and the Iterator range size is 10. Suppose further that the Iterator is showing rows 0 through 9 (0-based indexing). Calling getNextRangeSet() will return rows 10 through 19.

If the next range set does not have enough rows to fill up the range, getNextRangeSet() returns a partially filled range. That is, this method operates as if the iteration mode is RowIterator.ITER_MODE_LAST_PAGE_PARTIAL.

If there is no more rows, this method returns an empty array (an array of length 0).

While obtaining the next range set, the range will be scrolled. This causes a #oracle.jbo.ScrollEvent to be sent to #oracle.jbo.RowSetListener.rangeScrolled(oracle.jbo.ScrollEvent). To pick up such an event, the listener object must implement the #oracle.jbo.RowSetListener interface. Further, this listener must be registered through a call to #oracle.jbo.NavigatableRowIterator.addListener(Object) (the listener object passed in as the parameter to addListener).

After the next range set is obtained, the method sets the first Row of the range as the current row. This may fire a #oracle.jbo.NavigationEvent and sends it to #oracle.jbo.RowSetListener.navigated(oracle.jbo.NavigationEvent).

Specified by:
getNextRangeSet in interface RowSetIterator
an array of Rows in the next range set. An array of length 0 if there are no more rows.


public Row[] getPreviousRangeSet()
Description copied from interface: RowSetIterator
Gets the previous set of rows in the range. This method is good for processing rows in a range-ful fashion. Suppose the Row Set has 20 rows and the Iterator range size is 10. Suppose further that the Iterator is showing rows 10 through 19 (0-based indexing). Calling getPreviousRangeSet() will return rows 0 through 9.

If there is no more rows, this method returns an empty array (an array of length 0).

While obtaining the previous range set, the range will be scrolled. This causes a #oracle.jbo.ScrollEvent to be sent to #oracle.jbo.RowSetListener.rangeScrolled(oracle.jbo.ScrollEvent). To pick up such an event, the listener object must implement the #oracle.jbo.RowSetListener interface. Further, this listener must be registered through a call to #oracle.jbo.NavigatableRowIterator.addListener(Object) (the listener object passed in as the parameter to addListener).

After the previous range set is obtained, the method sets the first Row of the range as the current row. This may fire a #oracle.jbo.NavigationEvent and sends it to #oracle.jbo.RowSetListener.navigated(oracle.jbo.NavigationEvent).

Specified by:
getPreviousRangeSet in interface RowSetIterator
an array of Rows in the previous range set. An array of length 0 if there are no more rows.


public java.util.Enumeration enumerateRowsInRange()
Creates and returns an enumerator of the rows in the range.

Specified by:
enumerateRowsInRange in interface RowIterator
an enumerator.


public int getFetchedRowCount()
Returns the number of rows fetched from the JDBC RestultSet.

Specified by:
getFetchedRowCount in interface RowIterator
the number of rows fetched so far.


public boolean isRangeAtBottom()
Indicates whether the iterator range contains the last row of the row set.

See ViewObjectImpl.isRangeAtBottom for details.

Specified by:
isRangeAtBottom in interface RowIterator
true if the range contains the last row, false if not.
See Also:


public boolean isRangeAtTop()
Indicates whether the iterator range contains the first row of the row set.

See ViewObjectImpl.isRangeAtTop for details.

Specified by:
isRangeAtTop in interface RowIterator
true if the range contains the first row, false if not.
See Also:


public void insertRow(Row row)
Inserts the row into the row set.

This method does change currency. It sets the inserted row to be the current row (for the RSI through which the row is inserted). From an events standpoint, insertRow will generate two events: insert followed by navigated.

See ViewObjectImpl.insertRow for details.

Specified by:
insertRow in interface RowIterator
row - the view row to insert.
See Also:


public void insertRowAtRangeIndex(int index,
                                  Row row)
Inserts the row into the row set at the specified range index. Using this method does not change currency.

See ViewObjectImpl.insertRowAtRangeIndex for details.

Specified by:
insertRowAtRangeIndex in interface RowIterator
index - the range index into which the row is to be inserted.
row - the view row to insert.
See Also:
ViewObjectImpl.insertRowAtRangeIndex(int, Row)


public Row getRowFromHandle(java.lang.Object rowHandle)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Returns the row with a handle specified by hdl.

See ViewObjectImpl#getRowFromHandle(Object) for details.

rowHandle - the row handle.
the row identified by the row handle.
See Also:


public void removeRowHandle(java.lang.Object rowHandle)
Deprecated. Since Jdeveloper 9.0.3. No replacement. No longer used.

Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Removes the row handle from the row handle hash table.

See ViewObjectImpl.removeRowHandle for details.

rowHandle - the row handle to remove.
See Also:


public Row getRow(Key key)
Returns the first row whose key matches key.

See ViewObjectImpl.getRow for details.

Specified by:
getRow in interface RowIterator
key - key to match.
the first matching row. null if no match.
See Also:


public int getRangeIndexOf(Row row)
Returns the range index of the row specified by row.

See ViewObjectImpl.getRangeIndexOf for details.

Specified by:
getRangeIndexOf in interface RowIterator
row - the row in question.
the range index of the row. -1 if the row is not within the range.
See Also:


public void removeCurrentRow()
Removes the current row.

See ViewObjectImpl.removeCurrentRow for details.

Specified by:
removeCurrentRow in interface RowIterator
See Also:


public void removeCurrentRowFromCollection()
Description copied from interface: RowIterator
Removes the current Row object from the collection.

It does not cause the row to be deleted from the database table. It just removes the row from the row collection. However, once the row is removed, it cannot be used any more. If you want to remove the current row from collection and insert it elsewhere, call #removeAndRetain(), change currency to the desired location, and then call RowIterator.insertRow(oracle.jbo.Row) with that row.

Specified by:
removeCurrentRowFromCollection in interface RowIterator


public Row removeCurrentRowAndRetain()
Description copied from interface: RowIterator
Removes the current Row object from the collection and retain it for insertion into another location.

It does not cause the row to be deleted from the database table. It just removes the row from the row collection.

This method differs from RowIterator.removeCurrentRowFromCollection() in that after the current row is removed from the collection, it can be inserted back into the collection at another location.

To do so, call RowIterator.removeCurrentRowAndRetain(), and get the returning row. Then, change currency to the desired location, and call RowIterator.insertRow(oracle.jbo.Row) with that row.

Specified by:
removeCurrentRowAndRetain in interface RowIterator
the current row which was just removed from collection.


public void setRowValidation(boolean flag)
Description copied from interface: RowIterator
Sets the validation flag on this iterator. By default a RowIterator validates the current row when navigating to another row. This method can be used to turn this row-validation off by passing 'false' as parameter.

Specified by:
setRowValidation in interface RowIterator
flag - Whether to turn row validation off or not.


public boolean isRowValidation()
Description copied from interface: RowIterator
Gets the validation flag on this iterator. By default a RowIterator validates the current row when navigating to another row. This method returns TRUE if this row-validation is turned off.

Specified by:
isRowValidation in interface RowIterator


public boolean setCurrentRow(Row row)
Moves the iterator to the row specified by row.

See ViewObjectImpl.setCurrentRow for details.

Specified by:
setCurrentRow in interface RowIterator
row - the new current row.
indicates whether the current row was successfully set or not.
See Also:


public boolean setCurrentRowAtRangeIndex(int index)
Moves the iterator to the row whose range index is index.

See ViewObjectImpl.setCurrentRowAtRangeIndex for details.

Specified by:
setCurrentRowAtRangeIndex in interface RowIterator
index - range index to which to move the current row.
indicates whether the current row was successfully set or not.
See Also:


public Row getCurrentRow()
Returns the current row of the iterator.

See ViewObjectImpl.getCurrentRow for details.

Specified by:
getCurrentRow in interface RowIterator
the current row. null if no current row.
See Also:


public int getCurrentRowIndex()
Returns the absolute row index of the current row in the row set.

See ViewObjectImpl.getCurrentRowIndex for details.

Specified by:
getCurrentRowIndex in interface RowIterator
the absolute row index of the current row. -1 if the row set has not be executed, or the iterator has just been reset.
See Also:


public int getCurrentRowSlot()
Returns the current row slot status.

See ViewObjectImpl.getCurrentRowSlot for details.

Specified by:
getCurrentRowSlot in interface RowIterator
one of the slot status constants listed above.
See Also:


public int getIterMode()
Description copied from interface: RowIterator
Gets the current iteration mode. See Iteration Modes above for details on iteration mode which controls how the range behaves when it reaches the end of the Row Set.

Specified by:
getIterMode in interface RowIterator
ITER_MODE_LAST_PAGE_PARTIAL if the iteration mode is "partial-last-page", ITER_MODE_LAST_PAGE_FULL if it is "full-last-page".


public void setIterMode(int mode)
Description copied from interface: RowIterator
Sets the iteration mode for this Row Iterator. See Iteration Modes above for details on iteration mode which controls how the range behaves when it reaches the end of the Row Set.

Specified by:
setIterMode in interface RowIterator
mode - should be ITER_MODE_LAST_PAGE_PARTIAL if the iteration mode is to be "partial-last-page", ITER_MODE_LAST_PAGE_FULL if it is to be "full-last-page".


public boolean hasNext()
Indicates whether the iterator has a next row or not.

See ViewObjectImpl.hasNext for details.

Specified by:
hasNext in interface RowIterator
true if there is a next row, false if not.
See Also:


public boolean hasPrevious()
Indicates whether the iterator has a previous row or not.

See ViewObjectImpl.hasPrevious for details.

Specified by:
hasPrevious in interface RowIterator
true if there is a previous row, false if not.
See Also:


public Row first()
Navigates to the first row in the row set.

See ViewObjectImpl.first for details.

Specified by:
first in interface RowIterator
the first row, which becomes the current row for the iterator. null if the row set has no rows.
See Also:


public Row last()
Navigates to the last row in the row set.

See ViewObjectImpl.last for details.

Specified by:
last in interface RowIterator
the last row, which becomes the current row for the iterator. null if the row set has no rows.
See Also:


public Row next()
Navigates to the next row in the row set.

See for details.

Specified by:
next in interface RowIterator
the next row, which becomes the current row for the iterator. null if no next row. If no next row, the current row is not moved.
See Also:


public Row previous()
Navigates to the previous row in the row set.

See ViewObjectImpl.previous for details.

Specified by:
previous in interface RowIterator
the previous row, which becomes the current row for the iterator. null if no previous row. If no previous row, the current row is not moved.
See Also:


public void reset()
Resets the iterator.

See ViewObjectImpl.reset for details.

Specified by:
reset in interface RowIterator
See Also:


public RowSet[] getDetailRowSets()
Returns an array of all detail row sets for this row set iterator. See ViewObjectImpl.getDetailRowSets for details.

Specified by:
getDetailRowSets in interface RowSetIterator
an array of all detail row sets for this row set iterator.
See Also:


public RowSet createDetailRowSet(java.lang.String rsName,
                                 java.lang.String linkDefName)
Creates and returns an new detail row set for this row set iterator.

See ViewObjectImpl.createDetailRowSet for details.

Specified by:
createDetailRowSet in interface RowSetIterator
rsName - the name of the row set to be assigned to the new detail row set.
linkDefName - identifies the View Link definition that defines the master-detail relationship between this row set iterator and the new detail row set.
the new detail row set.
See Also:
ViewObjectImpl.createDetailRowSet(String, String)


public void setForwardOnly(boolean isForwardOnly)
Sets whether this row set will be forward-only or not.

See ViewObjectImpl.setForwardOnly for details.

Specified by:
setForwardOnly in interface RowSet
isForwardOnly - indicates whether the row set should be forward-only or not.
See Also:


public final boolean isForwardOnly()
Indicates whether this row set is forward-only or not.

See ViewObjectImpl.isForwardOnly for details.

Specified by:
isForwardOnly in interface RowSet
indicates whether this row set is forward-only or not.
See Also:


public final byte getAccessMode()
Specified by:
getAccessMode in interface RowSet
Returns the current access mode for this RowSet.
See Also:


public void setAccessMode(byte flag)
Description copied from interface: RowSet
Constrains the row access based on the following settings:

Switching access modes for a rowset will not take effect until the next explicit call to executeQuery. Switching accessmode back to SCROLLABLE from any other mode is not allowed.

Specified by:
setAccessMode in interface RowSet


public byte getViewLinkMode()
Internal: Applications should not use this method.


public void setViewLinkMode(byte val)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.


public void setAssociationConsistent(boolean isConsistent)
Sets the association-consistent flag for this row set.

See ViewObjectImpl.setAssociationConsistent for details.

Specified by:
setAssociationConsistent in interface RowSet
isConsistent - indicates whether association-consistency should be on or not.
See Also:


public final boolean isMaxFetchSizeExceeded()
Description copied from interface: RowSet
Tests if the query result has been fetched to the end and the end was reached due to hitting the maxFetchSize limit

Specified by:
isMaxFetchSizeExceeded in interface RowSet
true if the result set has been fetched to the maxFetchSize limit and there are still more rows in the database.


public boolean isFetchComplete()
Description copied from interface: RowSet
Tests if the query result set has been fetched to the end.

Specified by:
isFetchComplete in interface RowSet
true if the result set has been fetched to the end.


public boolean isAssociationConsistent()
Returns the association-consistent flag for this row set.

See ViewObjectImpl.isAssociationConsistent for details.

Specified by:
isAssociationConsistent in interface RowSet
the association-consistent flag for this row set.
See Also:


public int getRowCountInRange()
Returns the actual number of rows in the range.

See ViewObjectImpl.getRowCountInRange for details.

Specified by:
getRowCountInRange in interface RowIterator
the actual number of rows in the range.
See Also:


public void setWhereClauseParams(java.lang.Object[] values)
Sets bind values for the query.

See ViewObjectImpl.setWhereClauseParams for details.

Specified by:
setWhereClauseParams in interface RowSet
values - an array of bind values.
See Also:


public void setExecuteParameters(java.lang.Object[] userValues,
                                 java.lang.Object[] paramValues,
                                 boolean diffParams)


public void setWhereClauseParam(int index,
                                java.lang.Object value)
Sets the bind value at a specified index.

See ViewObjectImpl.setWhereClauseParam for details.

Specified by:
setWhereClauseParam in interface RowSet
index - index of the bind value.
value - the bind value.
See Also:
ViewObjectImpl.setWhereClauseParam(int, Object)


public java.lang.Object[] getWhereClauseParams()
Returns an array of bind values currently specified for the query. See ViewObjectImpl.getWhereClauseParams for details.

Specified by:
getWhereClauseParams in interface RowSet
an array of bind values.
See Also:


public java.lang.Object[] getParametersAsStorageTypes()
Returns an array of bind values to be used for binding to the query.

See ViewObjectImpl.getParametersAsStorageTypes for details.

an array of the bind values as torage types. null if there is no bind value to return.
See Also:


public java.lang.Object[] getParametersAsStorageTypes(Row[] masterRows)


public Row getRow(int index)
Returns the row at absolute row index of index.

An absolute row index is a row index in the entire row set. It starts at 0.

index - the absolute row index.
the row. null if the index is invalid.


public Row getRowAtRangeIndex(int index)
Returns the row at range index index.

Range index is a 0 based index within the range.

Specified by:
getRowAtRangeIndex in interface RowIterator
index - range index of the row.
the row at the specified range index. null if the index is outside the range, or if there is no row at the specified index.


public static void dumpViewRowCache(RowSetIterator rsi,
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Debug routine that prints the view row cache content for the query collection.

View row cache manages mapping between entity rows and view rows. If a View Object consists of entities A, B, C, each view row consists of three entity rows (from A, B, and C, respectively). For this, the view row cache manages three hash tables, each mapping the entity row to view rows that use it as a constituent entity row.

This method dumps the content of that mapping to out.

rsi - the row set iterator whose view row cache is to be dumped.
out - where to dump the output.


protected Row[] getRows(EntityImpl entity)
Returns an array of view rows that use the specified entity row.

A view row consists of entity rows. This method returns all view rows (so far retrieved) that use the entity row specified by entity

an arry of rows that use entity. null if no view row uses entity.


public Row[] findByKey(Key key,
                       int maxNumOfRows)
Finds and returns View rows that match the specified key.

See #oracle.jbo.RowIterator.findByKey(oracle.jbo.Key, int) for details.

Specified by:
findByKey in interface RowIterator
key - the key to match.
maxNumOfRows - the maximum size of the array to return, or -1 to return all rows.
an array of rows matching the key.


public void findAndSetCurrentRowByKey(Key key,
                                      int rangeIndex)
Specified by:
findAndSetCurrentRowByKey in interface WSRowSetIteratorMarshaller


public Row[] findByKey(Key key,
                       int maxNumOfRows,
                       boolean skipWhere)


public Key createKey(AttributeList nvp)
Description copied from interface: RowIterator
Given a list of name-value pairs, creates a Key object that matches the key structure for the ViewObject for this RowItertor. This Key object could be used as a valid argument to findByKey. This Key will have null values for attributes expected in the key structure for this ViewObject, but not found in the given set of name-value pairs.

Specified by:
createKey in interface RowIterator


public Row[] findByEntity(int eRowHandle,
                          int maxNumOfRows)
Description copied from interface: RowIterator
Finds and returns View rows that use the Entity row, identified by the Entity row handle, eRowHandle.

Specified by:
findByEntity in interface RowIterator
eRowHandle - the Entity row handle.
maxNumOfRows - the maximum size of the row array to return, or -1 to return all rows.
an array of View rows that use the Entity row.


public java.lang.Object[] getParameters(boolean nullValueFlag)
Returns an array of bind values to be used for binding to the query.

This array is a union of the following set of bind values:

This method differs from getParametersAsStorageTypes in that, if the bind values are domain instanes, this method returns them as is, while getParametersAsStorageTypes returns the actual data out of the domain.

an array of the bind values. null if there is no bind value to return.


public java.lang.Object[] getParameters(boolean nullValueFlag,
                                        Row[] masterRows)


public java.util.Hashtable getProperties()
Retrieves all properties. It is a union of properties on this View Object and those on the view definition.

Specified by:
getProperties in interface Properties
Specified by:
getProperties in class PropertiesHelper
hash table (name-value pairs) of all properties.


public void printActiveObjsTab( pw)


public void printRUChain( pw)


public void printColl( pw,
                      int printFlag)


public int[] getCollMgmtInfo()


public Row[] getFilteredRows(RowQualifier qualifier)


public Row[] getFilteredRowsInRange(RowQualifier qualifier)


public Row[] getFilteredRows(java.lang.String attrName,
                             java.lang.Object attrValue)
Description copied from interface: RowSetIterator
Returns all rows in this collection whose attribute value matches the value being passed in attrValue.

Note that this method does not affect the current RowSetIterator.

Specified by:
getFilteredRows in interface RowSetIterator
attrName - name of the attribute to be used for filtering.
attrValue - attribute value for filtering.
an array of rows that match.


public Row[] getFilteredRowsInRange(java.lang.String attrName,
                                    java.lang.Object attrValue)
Description copied from interface: RowSetIterator
Returns all rows in this range whose attribute value matches the value being passed in attrValue.

This method uses getAllRowsInRange() to retrieve all rows and then match the rows.

Specified by:
getFilteredRowsInRange in interface RowSetIterator
attrName - name of the attribute to be used for filtering.
attrValue - attribute value for filtering.
an array of rows in the current range that match.


public void setPassivationEnabled(boolean flag)


public boolean isPassivationEnabled()


public void setPassivationEnabledInternal(boolean flag)


public void setReceiveAllInsertEvents(boolean b)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.


public final Node writeXML(long options,
Description copied from interface: XMLInterface
Renders data in a canonical XML-format. The classes ViewObjectImpl and ViewRowImpl implement this method to render data in XML.

Use this method whenever data is required in XML format, either to present a UI (after converting XML data into some HTTP format using a stylesheet) or to pass the data as payload for messages via JMS.

The options parameter represents a set of bit flags that will control the writeXML behavior. The following bit flags have been defined:

The voAttrMap parameter represents in a hashmap, the mapping between a given ViewObject's definition type and the corresponding Attributes/accessors to render. A null entry in the hashmap means, render all attributes and accessors of that viewobject type.

Specified by:
writeXML in interface XMLInterface
options - a set of bit flags that will control the writeXML
voAttrRules - HashMap containing Definition names of ViewObjects and an array of AttributeDef to render for a ViewObject of that definition type.


public Node writeXML(int depthCount,
                     long options)
Description copied from interface: XMLInterface
Renders data in a canonical XML-format. The classes ViewObjectImpl and ViewRowImpl implement this method to render data in XML.

Use this method whenever data is required in XML format, either to present a UI (after converting XML data into some HTTP format using a stylesheet) or to pass the data as payload for messages via JMS.

The depthcount parameter represents to what level the rendering should recurse. A depthcount of zero (0) means do not traverse any View Links while rendering. One (1) means traverse the View Links on this object but no View Links thereafter, and so on.

The options parameter represents a set of bit flags that will control the writeXML behavior. The following bit flags have been defined:

Specified by:
writeXML in interface XMLInterface
depthCount - represents to what level the rendering should recurse.
options - a set of bit flags that will control the writeXML behavior.


public Node writeXML(long options,
                     XSLStylesheet xslt)
Specified by:
writeXML in interface XMLInterface


public Node writeXML(int depthCount,
                     long options,
                     XSLStylesheet xslt)
Specified by:
writeXML in interface XMLInterface


public void readXML(Element elem,
                    int depthCount,
                    XSLStylesheet xslt)
Specified by:
readXML in interface XMLInterface


public java.lang.String getElementTagName()
Specified by:
getElementTagName in interface oracle.jbo.common.xml.XmlSerializable


public void writeAsXml(oracle.jbo.common.xml.XmlOutput out,
                       Node node,
                       oracle.jbo.common.xml.Criteria rules)
Specified by:
writeAsXml in interface oracle.jbo.common.xml.XmlSerializable


public void readXML(Element elem,
                    int depthCount)
Specified by:
readXML in interface XMLInterface

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01


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